UnkarsThug's Comments
The Hearthstone Fire Fest-EVIL Returns July 10 - Community Card Reveals
I’d like to see you try to drive a city better.
Questing Explorer
With more of these style cards(Which I bet we’ll get), could you have a deck where you don’t care about actually completing the quests, but just generate value off of it, and let it complete itself, with the druid quest for exanple.
Untapped Potential
This quest seems a lot more like a “set it and forget it” style card. Seeing as it doesn’t have to be completed immediately, it will complete itself later on. And in the meantime, you can use cards like questing explorer. I think it’s good.
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Heroic Bosses (Hero Powers, Strategy)
You should add in the summery which wings that boss can appear in, or add a list of bosses under the wing itself.
Pogo-Hopper Rogue Theorycraft Deck List - Rise of Shadows - April 2019
Just wondering, why Bronze Gatekeeper over Defender of Argus? With the size of Pogos, I would think you would want more taunts, over the stats, and It’s a lot better when bounced.
Crystalsong Portal
Do you actually speak the language? I don’t mean to be cynical, but we really need someone who speaks the language well to check this.
Or better, as you can immediately remove what you pulled, before their turn.
Rise of Shadows Hearthstone Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics And More!
Oh, Ok. Sorry for the confusion then.
Rise of Shadows Hearthstone Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics And More!
Why is Sludge slurper here, but EVIL genius and EVIL conscriptor not? I would expect it if you were doing it by day, but this looks like an accident.(I’m not angry, just thought you ought to be notified at this point.)
Rise of Shadows Hearthstone Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics And More!
That’s not exactly true. War master Voone was originally revealed as a 5 mana 4/4, but they changed his stats when people realized odd warrior was going to be a problem.
Lightforged Blessing
Immortal prelate was looking for a way to gain lifesteal. This is like Kingbane rogue all over again. Otherwise, not great.
Most Overrated Cards from Rastakhan's Rumble
The thing about Shieldbreaker is that it is even, and most aggro decks are odd right now. When Baku leaves, i expect it to grow to the more expected levels.
You say you will use it for a clear most often, but that entirely depends on your deck type. Unlike reno, Zephrys can be a very strong payoff for an aggro deck, which doesn’t want board clears, but loves to use him to find lethal, or a little more burn. Just thought it was worth noting.