Uncaged's Comments
Budget Switcheroo Priest - Voyage to the Sunken City
How sad that Priest is reduced to this garbage
Control Holy Paladin - #54 Legend (Habugabu) - Sunken City
So many nut huggers on here, most Pally decks are being hard down voted for no reason while a streamer posts one that’s no different to other control versions and people are all over it
Mysterious Stranger Encounter in Mercenaries (Task Farming) Is Getting Rebalanced
Nerf, obviously, but it is nerdy lol
Mysterious Stranger Encounter in Mercenaries (Task Farming) Is Getting Rebalanced
Nerd the only thing that has people still playing this mode, seems 5 head . . . Do they think this will see people Pay more? Lol. It’s gonna crash and burn. The grind is boring AF but it at least has a goal to keep people interested, without it new players esoedially will be so far behind they just won’t ever commit
I’m not sure what part of the community you took feedback from but I don’t know any BG player who wants even longer games! It’s already a chore most times with 8 players still in game after 10-15 minutes. It’s getting pretty boring when progress is slowed up even more because bad players are I er protected.