UkuleleLover's Comments
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Is it really? Are they doing what they did in Gadgetzan and certain Neutral cards are for certain classes only?
What about Arena? Do you guys think this will have any play there? I think it might be quite good there. Just a thought.
Dragon's Hoard
I wouldn’t say it’s better or worse than Hallucination. These cards have two different purposes. One was to get you a decent card that would help you gain control, and the other helps you either find a game breaking minion or just a decent legendary. There are stupid legendaries, but for one mana this isn’t that bad.
What if you used Hemet? You made something like a ramp druid deck, with a bunch of low cost cards, and then you play hemet. You do this and eliminate your deck? Please let me know if i’m thinking of this wrong or of any flaws.
Voltaic Burst
I feel like it’s more of a turn 3 card, unless your opponent is play like aggro pally or something very aggressive. This way you could combo something off of it immediately: Flametongue, Earthen Might, Dire Wolf, etc.
Voltaic Burst
I think that this with Bloodlust would be a quick way to remove some minions. Also the new Shaman legendary wouldn’t be bad with this too. I also like this with flametongue. I think agro shaman might have fun with this.
Omega Defender
I think they changed the card art: This link shows the new card art
Zerek's Cloning Gallery
But by 9 mana you should already have you quest done, or at least close to the end. It could be like a quick finisher for your quest, but I see it more in big priest.
Cybertech Chip
If deathrattle hunter ever sticks this could be good in it too. Agreed with the previous comments: this card is better than infest and echo in my opinion.
Really? That’s crazy!