Tyub1234's Comments
Why is this card’s rating so low? if you can manage to cast a couple spells early, you can get a ton of these little guys on board, making way for a very strong, very early power of the wild/ blessing of the ancients. This breathes new life into token druid, and may see play in more than just that deck. It’s almost like a mountseller except much worse, but for only 1 mana. I think this will be a very strong card.
Tour Guide
God this card is a problem for wild. Every odd deck (besides odd demon hunter, I guess) will auto-include this. Odd paladin is the most notable, but this is also just kobold lackey in odd mage.
Demonic Studies
This card is really strong. It has the effect of cheating mana while also not having to ‘spend’ a card. For example, playing this on 1 and pit lord on 3 is really good. 4/5
Infiltrator Lilian
This is better piloted shredder, buttough to know if that would see play in today’s meta. regardless it’s a good tempo rogue card
Mozaki, Master Duelist
this + apprentice + ray of frost *2 (for 4 total uses) + arcane missles*3 (off of violet spellwing)+fireball= 7+8+9+13= 35. This can go much higher, but in a small spell mage deck you likely wouldn’t even need to do 30 damage in one turn and this card could potentially win the game on 6 if it’s not dealt with on turn 5. I wouldn’t say it’s broken, but it’s certainly very good.
Mozaki, Master Duelist
sorcerer’s aprentice+ ray of frost*4+arcane missiles gets you a malygos with an apprentice on board and 3 mana remaining. I don’t know how practical that is for a combo, but it certainly could work (especially with the 1/1 elemental that gets a copy of arcane missiles). I think a more practical use for this is in a small spell mage deck. The card isn’t broken by any means, but it’s certainly not bad. The scariest part of this card is if the opponent can’t deal with it on turn 5, and you drop a sorcerers apprentice next turn to cast a bunch of spells. That could potentially be a win on turn 6.
First Day of School
this notably synergizes well with the divine shield card with another divine shield, but other than that, paladin was really lacking in 1 drops besides aldor attendant and this helps a lot.
Lightning Bloom
turn 1 this this earth elemental. This overload of 7 doesn’t even really matter cuz its 5 overboard. This card is pure garbage in the late game and I don’t think its very good for druid but i think the potential highroll of cheating out some sort of overload card very early with shaman seems so strong. Turn 1 coin this squallhunter, for instance. Cool card! It notably does have use in druid as a 0 mana spell.
Onyx Magescribe
this is a pretty strong value card for every class. Probably will see play in a variety of mid-control decks. Not sure how strong it will be in those decks, though.
Goody Two-Shields
I honestly think this card is just really strong as just a 4/2 divine shield. It also has a pretty nice upside as well. This can be really annoying for classes like priest who want to use AOE for this sort of thing, as it can regain its shield. 5/5-will see play in most paladin decks (not extremely broken though)
That was just the easiest example to think of-in the new set. libram of wisdom looks good on this (even though that deck may end up being pure paladin). Also, for some reason it wasn’t letting me reply to your other question, but I think that cards to the left trigger their end of turn first (it may also be whichever was played first), and I assume the one that goes first will end up being the one copied. Not sure though
this is pretty good in arena because your opponent generally wants to play on curve but playing just 1 minion with no way to kill this results in this trading into that 1 minion. In constructed its kinda lacking though but if secret rogue is good then this will be good
if you buff it its really good because it will create a copy of itself. For instance, you could play this next to a 1 mana minion on turn 4, and if they cant kill both then next turn you could play zilliax on this and get 2 zilliaxes
This card is pretty good both as a finisher for tempo and as removal for slower mage decks. This card is really strong with sorcerers apprentice as well. This card can kind of be compared to the solarium as they both do similar things for the same mana cost. This card will draw a lot more than the solarium but the cards on average will be worse. Notably hitting conjurers calling or ray of frost is great because the second copy of the twinspell will stay in your hand. it all just depends on how the mage spell pool is looking, but I assume this will be a strong card. 4/5 though because I’m not sure if mage will be tier 1
Maiev Shadowsong
frost elemental is crying right now…
But for real, this card is really good. It can be used on the imprisoned minions, though I imagine thats awful tempo. Maybe this could work specifically with the warlock one. However, this is much better on enemy minions. It has a vanilla 3 mana statline, bundled with a strong effect. In any hyper aggresive deck this card basically is just “destroy a minion”. This also could be interesting in certain combo decks, playing something like kaelthas and then this to make it dormant and wait for turn 10. I also don’t know how viable that is but its a thought. I think this will just slot into aggro and maybe midrange. Regardless, this card still is a 5/5
Warmaul Challenger
I think this might see play in galakrond warrior. Getting this out as a 3 mana 1/10 is very strong even though it has a lackluster attack stat. This card does fall out of favor in the late game, but is incredibly strong if buffed by galakrond. 3/5
Scavenger's Ingenuity
This card is crazy good. it’s a cycle card that also gives a beast +3+3. this just seems crazy good to me. Just for instance imagine curving this into bearshark in wild. I forget what its called but there was that 1 mana give a beast in your hand +2+2 which was not super good competitively but it certainly wasn’t a terrible card. This card is a huge step up from that. Compare this to a card like shiv, which is a decent card. Instead of dealing 1 damage, you get to tutor draw and get a ~1.5 mana effect of giving a beast in hand +3+3. Shiv is a 0 mana effect. This card is still strong at 3 mana. This is 5/5, will see play in every hunter deck running at least a few beasts
This card is very similar to burgly bully, but it seems to be more midrange-oriented. This is a decent anti-removal option, but I don’t know if that’s enough