tungizzi's Comments
Iksar's Twitter Q&A #30 Summary - Battlegrounds Cosmetics, Quest Design, Rotating Format, Battle Ready Decks, Next Core Set and more!
I fail to see how Warlock quest is supposed to be built around with sub-optimal cards like Iksar had suggested. Most of the cards were good on their own even before the expansion; I acknowledged that control warlock was tier 3 at best but the delete package was proven decent. Druid has to play Pounce, Mage is refrained from accessing minions, Rogue has to play the bad SI7 cards, DH has to play Glide and lots of draw to finish their quest and for others class the restriction is really clear. And the Warlock quest is not even a tempo or card draw lost since at its worse, it’s a 1 mana Fireball with lifesteal bonus with Warlock hero power negate and card draw disadvantages. The difference in power between Warlock quest and the rest is quite big and only Shaman quest and Mage quest come close in term of value.
Mutanus the Devourer
Battlecry destroy 1 card and present a body that demand an answer. This card is auto +1 and especially useful in control matchup.
At first glance, the card may seem like disruption but the effect is too random to be reliable so outside of control deck I dont think this card will be used anywhere else. Priest with Illucia will be extra annoying.
Wicked Stab (Rank 1)
How often do u play evis in the first 4 turn? Beside evis rotates anyways and this card is supposed to be the replacement. The card seems really good to me.
Field Contact
If u need draw, just play secret passage then. I dont see any point in playing this card over passage
Apothecary Helbrim
4 mana is 3/2 in my opinion is never worth it – the poison is about 1 mana but remember u still have to pay mana to play the poison. Well, at least we have Scabs Cutterbutter.
Shadow Hunter Vol'jin
I wonder if it can choose itself. If it does then this is a 5 mana Malygos which is really sick
Conjure Mana Biscuit
This card enable a crazy line in Rouge where on turn 2:
Backstab – Wand Thief (Conjure) – Prep – Conjure – Coin – Foxy – Biscuit – Edwin (16/16)
Of course the Wand Thief part is quite random but it utilizes all the cards you usually mulligan in the early game and the Backstab – Wand Thief is common play so the chance is pretty decent. If this is a Rouge’s card, it would be insane.
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
If u played DH, I would suggest the Altruis variant of the Aggro build. Of course, u have to craft Pokelt; however, Pokelt is a neutral that is quite flexible and is used in Face Hunter, Highlander Hunter, Galakrond Rogue. Most of the aggro DH I encountered in Legend run this variant over the budget build anyways.
My Take On The New Progression System / Battle Pass - How Bad it Really Is, How To Fix It + A Few Words About Dev / Streamer Harassment
Agree with many points but disagree with the last section about harassment.
There are toxic and healthy form of protest: your article only touch the bad ones and leave out the fact that without letting our voice known, the system would never change.
People must stop bad mouthing streamer for having no opinion about the new system. However, at the same time, how can we get Blizzard to response?
The community is disappointed at Blizzard for dragging this problem so long with only a post about adding some meager sum of gold into the reward track. Personally, I’m a budget player who would only buy some good deal now and then and only play 1-2 classes so the changes leave little to no impact to me. Still, I am worried if the current state continued, HS might actually be dead.
Carnival Clown
Ramp Druid and Control Shaman would love the card. I believe it is fairly easy to corrupt this card in those deck
High Exarch Yrel
Wild stays forever my friend. Against aggro, it may come too late but for mid-range match up, the card is a power house. Play on curve: heal for 7, remove a minion and leave a 7 attack taunt with lifesteal
This is designed as a reward card; however, in order for it to truly become a reward u need to play >3 cards. Miracle Rogue already got Draka, Edwin and Gnoll. In addition, I believe 4/4 is not a good pay off, the stat should be 5/5