TuffHunter's Comments
Fibonacci's Legend N'Zoth Control Warrior (June 2016, Season 27)
Mixed results so far… Most of the time I really just need Chillmaw as a taunt and Nzoth is a nice way to just bring a body and taunt to the board.
So far this season with some very casual play (2-3 matches a day at most) I achieved rank 7 using variations of this deck.
One of these days I’ll just have to give up my entire life and grind to legend
Fibonacci's Legend N'Zoth Control Warrior (June 2016, Season 27)
I’ve used something similar and sadly Gorehowl & Harrison are two cards that usually get cut. They are just two cards which while nice to have can very easily be dead cards in hand for most of the game.
Currently I am experimenting mixing in more dragons to take full advantage of Chillmaw.
Amaz's WoTG Standard C'Thun Druid
I am currently 10-2 (rank 8) with something similar:
-1 Mark of the Wild
-1 Darnassus Aspirant
+1 Mark of Nature
+1 Twilight Geomancer
Beckoner of Evil
Throw in Bran… maybe Mistcaller…. Could make for godly battlecry from Cthun!
Validated Doomsayer
I assume this effect persists so it will reset to 7 at the start of each of your turns?
Tars' EU Winter Prelims 2016 Curse of Rafaam Aggro Zoo
You rarely have that many cards in hand anyway (I say rarely, it’s not impossible). Obviously Doomguard is a double edged sword, but most of the time it is worth it to discard two useful cards, especially in this kind of deck.
Tars' EU Winter Prelims 2016 Curse of Rafaam Aggro Zoo
Well I guess curse combos nice with Loatheb and it can kill freeze mages.
I actually pulled this from a pack… dusted it and found another. If it shows up that often I should find a use for him lol
Just… so much mana for an easy to remove minion that doesnt have immediate effect.
Sjow's Season 23 Secret Paladin
Swap Aldor for Divine Favor and I am running the same thing. I wish I could give this +3 for all the jerks that gave it a -1 for just being different. Rag works really well as it gives Paladin that one extra big minion to INSTANTLY turn the tides.
Varian Bolster Midrange
I tried this with Bolf to combo with Kel’Thuzad. Was fun to get both via Varian.
Tavern Brawl - Decks Assemble!
Cards with a battlecry such as Bomb Lobber are amazing for this. Every turn I was able to play him and pick off a minion
Awesome deck and amazing to see 2700 dust get rank 1 legend
I myself am playing http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/update-true-tempo-mage/ but I tend to agree with what you say in your detailed post: That sometimes there just isn’t a good moment to play a big minion such as Dr. Boom.
I also agree on your thoughts about Ethereal Conjurer vs Azure Drake and how the instant spell (and a 6 power minion) is simply better than MAYBE drawing into a useful card.
Also Mirror Image; I am torn on this one. I tried using it and had great success for the reasons you mentioned (keeping Flamewaker alive) however I do like the board clearing aid of Arcane Blast & using Clockwork Gnomes for spare parts. Nothing like stealthing your “Uncle”
Btw, nice points about MCT as well, especially after your opponent plays Dr. Boom!
Update: Kolento's Season 23 Control Priest
But then again I’m a noob and have yet to get past rank 4.
Update: Kolento's Season 23 Control Priest
I dont understand why he runs 2 Cabal with no shrinmeister… I would just swap one for Justicar.
Senfglas' Legendary Holy Wrath Dragon Molten Giant Malygos Paladin
20 Damage Holy Wrath Potential… I want a video of this ^_^
Malygos Warlock Deck List - March 2016 (Season 24)
I personally run Alex. I actually removed Ironbeak Owl & Shadowflame for Alex & Blackwing Tech. The extra minion for trades helps early and Alex means I only have to save 2 spells to finish my opponent (or 1 + minions to face)
Platinum 1 to Legend: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/601090113