trollguy119's Comments
Lady Vashj
Could u post ur maly shaman decklist here? You can check my version out on my profile. Just wanna know how I can improve it cos it’s far from playable in ranked. It’s proving really hard to make Shaman great again 🙁
Imprisoned Antaen
I don’t get how the 2 turns work with dormant. Say you play it on turn 5 then you end your turn. Then your opp has their turn. Then you have your turn again. Then does it awaken at the start of your opponents next turn?
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
Nickus89, ur not exactly bragging but ur coming off as a bit of a know-it-all. Btw, what are the two other strong decks u think haven’t been discovered?
Galakrond Quest Rogue - #44 Legend (Pizza) - Galakrond's Awakening
There’s lots of ways to play against embiggen – get a big, early edwin, buff questing adventurer, save flik for a big taunt minion etc.
You mainly just play for tempo in this matchup
Highlander Mage - #38 Legend (RumHam) - Galakrond's Awakening
That moment when you have all the neutral legendaries but none of the class legendaries…
Galakrond's Awakening Meta Decks (Week 3) - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
I’ve had alot of success with it in highlander quest shaman. It should be run in any quest deck imo.
Celebrating Lunar New Year in Hearthstone - Tavern Brawl & 8 Special Quests - January 29
Nice! More gold to save up for the adventures.
Galakrond's Awakening Meta Decks (Week 1) - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Still not out. Kinda frustrating
Thief Miracle Rogue - J_Alexander - Galakrond's Awakening W1
Is this deck a meme or does it legitimately work. If it does work, that’d be great.
Galakrond's Awakening Week 1 Has Launched - Battle of the Frozen Coast!
It hasn’t been released on mobile yet
The Fist of Ra-Den
Starting with 7 mana spells I think 6 out of the 23 seven mana legendaries are ‘good’: Antonidas, Baron Geddon, Blackhowl Gunspire, Goru the Mightree, Prophet Velen, Ahu’ma.
However, the chances of summoning a legendary with below average stats (I’ll let 7 mana 6/6 slide – so basically legendaries with stats below 6/6) is even higher 8 out of 23: Azalina, Boommaster Flark, Dinotamer Brann, Jan’alai, Lord Godfrey, Swapqueen Hagatha, Valdris Felgorge, Vereesa Windrunner.
These fractions don’t look desirable.
For the new 10 mana spell, I think 5 out of the 9 ten mana legendaries are ‘good’: Colossus of the Moon, Deathwing, Hakkar?, Kalecgos, Mecha’thun?. with Hakkar and Mecha’thun being dubious.
5/9 seems pretty good to me.
The Fist of Ra-Den
I had a rough look at potential legendaries that can be summoned and the chances of summoning a ‘good’ legendary for 4, 5 and 6 mana. I define ‘good’ legendaries in this scenario as ones that have an active effect (not a battlecry), or have insane stats for their mana cost.
4 mana spells (e.g. hex) can potentially summon the following ‘good’ legendaries: Vargoth, Dragonbane, High Priest Amet, Houndmaster Shaw, Nozdormu the Timeless, The Glass Knight, Vessina
Out of the 17 current 4 mana legendaries I think 7 are ‘good’. 7/17 seems pretty good to me.
5 mana spells (e.g. dragon pack) can potentially summon the following ‘good’ legendaries: Darius Crowley, Leeroy, Waxadred, Zilliax.
Out of the 18 current 5 mana legendaries I think 4 are ‘good’. Obviously, 4/18 is not great so I’m guessing you don’t really want to play any 5 mana spell with this weapon.
6 mana spells (e.g. rain of toads) can potentially summon the following ‘good’ legendaries: Armagedillo, Cairne, Dr Morrigan?, Glinda Crowskin, Hogger, Illidan, The Beast, Zerek?.
Out of the 20 current 6 mana legendaries I think 8 are good with 2 (Dr Morrigan and Zerek) being dubious. 8/20 seems pretty good.
Note that I’m not counting the legendaries that have decent stats for their cost in which case the fractions will be much more favourable. Overall, I think this card is decent and will probably be included in control or highlander shaman – archetypes that hopefully will be much more viable in the future.
The Amazing Reno
Plague of death reads “silence and destroy ALL minions” but it only targets minions on the board so by that logic, Reno’s effect should only poof minions on the board as well.
The Amazing Reno
I would assume battlecries don’t get revoked? Since you already played the card before it gets poofed, Shudderwock should still replay the battlecry I think.
Descent of Dragons Post-Second Nerf Meta Decks - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
It really sucks. I climbed to rank 1 for the first time with highlander rogue only to meet a bunch of face hunters and I fell back to rank 3.
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
I think the nerf to apothecary should be enough since it really messes up deathrattle rogue’s curve. After this nerf, I think the best curve is nec blade on 3, coin + apothecary on 4 and either anka or nec vial on 5. But this curve relies on going second with coin. If going first, turn 4 is going to be really passive.
I don’t know if ‘control’ shaman will still be around with shudderwock gone. But I think (and hope) this expansion may be pushing big spell shaman which is pretty much a version of control shaman. I think this card as well as Lady Vashj would be perfect for such a deck.
Also thinking this could fit in highlander shaman but idk how that deck will survive with shudder gone.