Trikszter's Comments
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
which one is better atm ?
HSTD Meta Breakdown - The Best Decks for the Ladder (Late May - Early June 2016)
I want to ask for a fix in tempo warrior. I never lost a single match against agro shaman with tempo warrior. Mid range shaman was much closer to beat tempo but that never happened. A lot of times against agro i did not get fiery war axe but i was able to win…
Brian Kibler's N'Zoth Dragon Paladin (May 2016)
How much is this deck viable in the current ?
Tempo Warrior (69% Winrate 40-18 to Legend) Deck Guide
Well I’m running with Rafaam. He saved me 2 times where varian would be unusable…
Tempo Warrior (69% Winrate 40-18 to Legend) Deck Guide
So first question. Kodo is better than Malkorok in this deck ?
Second: Varian vs Rafaam whixh one is better ?
Third : I’m running into a lot of ctrl priest and and agro decks, and i coulndt get of out of it. Anyone know’s how to improve ctrl matchups ?
BTW this deck is awesome , until my current status.
From rank 14 to rank 4.
With tempo warrior i never lost to agro shaman. Mid range shaman were much closer in beating tempo warr, at least in my opinion in this season.
Apart from this, this whole post is awesome, really informative