TimewizardHS's Comments
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Shaman Decks Theorycrafting
Actually the non corrupted carnival clown is still a fine play, in the same way desert hare summons 2 copies of itself and that’s good for evolve. Playing carnival clown and then revolve gives you three beefy 9 mana minions and essentially silences your opponents board
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Shaman Decks Theorycrafting
I think if you go down the evolve shaman route, it makes sense to run the galakrond package, something more like this – https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/carnival-galakrond-evolve-shaman-darkmoon-theorycraft/
Yeah I think that’s the main thing, corrupt elementalist could be pretty sweet with revolve and the constant token generation helps reduce the cost of Mogu. I like the idea of having a 10 mana old god to corrupt the carnival clowns but I just don’t see how any of them quite get there. N’zoth in your build would generally only summon a 2/2 elemental, 1/1 hare and maybe a 4/2 pirate but none of those have rush or taunt and really you want the board empty so you follow up with a full clown board which is why I’ve opted for a Darkmoon rabbit to clear opponents threats and set the board for the follow up. It would be great if you could fit enough spells for yog but space limited and while y’shaarj could add a corrupted pit master to your hand for 0 which is nice it doesn’t do anything strong enough that turn to protect you until the following turn.