TianaMKD's Comments
Ownerism's Midrange Shaman - #1 NA Legend (September 2016, Season 30) Deck List Guide
Also the Master of Evolution is a 4 drop with good stats (4/5) and even if you manage to evolve a totem your making a benefit and you keep your curve and tempo
Ownerism's Midrange Shaman - #1 NA Legend (September 2016, Season 30) Deck List Guide
The Tunnel Trogg is not busted but it works as a good bite so that your opponents think you’re aggro shaman and cast a spell or few cards to remove it when you basically don’t even care about him 🙂
Ownerism's Midrange Shaman - #1 NA Legend (September 2016, Season 30) Deck List Guide
I removed the Al’Akir and put Bloodlust instead and it works perfectly. Rank 6 to rank 4 in one hour , 8-0 until now
Asmodai's Yogg Tempo Mage - Rank #1 Legend (September 2016, Season 30)
Also at least one copy of mirror image is a must because you tend to receive a lot of face damage
Asmodai's Yogg Tempo Mage - Rank #1 Legend (September 2016, Season 30)
I don’t think Antonidas is a good choice for tempo mage.. In this meta that’s mostly based around mana curve Antonidas is pretty much useless.. Also you tend to spend your 1,2 mana cost spells on the flamewaker so when antonidas comes you should pray on cabalists tome to give you something cheap. I took the version with flamestrike on the tournament and it went really well especially against hunters , dragon warriors and all the decks that play on mana curve
I’m playing Hearthstone both competitive and for fun, for almost 5 years. This game has never been so RNG dependant, not even when it was still in beta. So here are my suggestions for improvement:
1. REMOVE the discover mechanic from the game. I would rather go play a slot machine instead of waiting from my opponent to discover a perfect solution for a given situation. Cards like lackeys, Vulpera Scoundrel and all the other similar are destroying this game simply because there is no way to play around it. Not to mention the transforming Lackey that gives you a brand new +1 mana minion which can be literally ANY minion either shitty for 8 mana or pretty awesome for 4.
2. REMOVE all the cards from the game starting with the word YOGG. I think I shouldn’t even bother explaining this one.
3. Create more cards that inspire creativity and that will challenge the players into more mind gaming instead of RNGing.
4. Last but not least, the cards from the classic set are being nerfed just so that the developers can falsely feed our appetites for nerfes. They don’t need to be nerfed. Almost none of those changes made any class less powerfull. Ice block went to Hall of fame, is mage not insanely strong at the moment? Of course it is. Vanish? Rogue is still good. There is no need to nerf cards that are fair and create INSANE cards 5 days later in the next expansion. This is a card game and I admit the fact that the randomness is inevitable but I really don’t feel like waiting 15 minutes of my life so that the stupid Yogg Saron Box decides who’s gonna win.