Thraben's Comments
Best in Shell
Ah so that’s why the Druid legendary is named Sheldras
But eh, not that great unless there’s some kind of midrange token druid, it’s just ok.
Sheldras Moontree
So if you play this and then Primordial Protector to draw Survival of the Fittest, it puts a 6/6 on the field and a random 10 cost minion and then also plays Survival of the fittest? That’s not too bad right? Though it’s not that great either.
I could see Druid getting a new big spell to go with this, if not this might be a bit too niche to work
Serena Bloodfeather
Ah nvm.. It’s a Priest card. Thought it was a neutral which would’ve been insane. As a priest card there’s way less use for it so 3/5
Serena Bloodfeather
Basically this turns a card into 1/1 and becomes whatever stats the card has. For 2 mana that’s pretty insane.. 5/5 I say!
Apothecary Helbrim
Kinda boring.. But it’s not bad, we’ve all seen what Rogue is capable atm with the weapons so I’m not gonna underestimate this 3-4 stars
So apparently the minions get +1/+1 even if they attack face, any attacking and surviving counts. That being said it’s a little bit better but still not great.. 3 stars, a bit better if Warrior has a really strong tempo deck in meta.
Death Speaker Blackthorn
There will probably be some solid 4 & 5 mana deathrattle minion for Demon Hunter.. Not gonna lie this effect is terrifying even if it pulls mediocre stuff cause deathrattles are not easy to deal with. Glad Demon Hunter gets some new archetypes but I’d rather not have it be stupidly op all over again
Horde Operative
Probably overrated card. In most cases you’d want to instead destroy the secrets. Moreover since you get the same secrets as the opponent they’ll know exactly what the secrets are (though so will you) which makes them far weaker.
I can only see this being used in control decks. And more broadly if there are several good secret decks in the meta which is very unlikely. 3 stars, a nice card to have “just in case”
Tame Beast (Rank 1)
The only deck I can see this being considered is highlander hunter.. Which is pretty sad
I always hated Rogue hero power so this is a nice card. It’s actually alot of value for being a 1 mana card, I like it. Will it see play..? Hard to say. 3 stars for now
Tame Beast (Rank 1)
I feel like they’re being too careful with these rank spells, Hunter can’t make any use of an effect like this cause it won’t make it to 10 mana and a good aggro deck should be around finishing the game by turn 5-6 rather than play tempo. Ultimately it’s a card that just sits in your hand for nothing. There’s better 2-drops. The 5 mana effect ain’t worth it and if you’re going for 10 mana you might as well cast something like Nagrand Slam
Feat of Strength
Super strong with the taunt that summons a copy of itself. No idea why people consider this bad.
Idol of Y'Shaarj
8 mana 10/10 is lots of stats even by itself. But if you manage to hit a minion with even slightly strong ability, this is actually very strong. Especially if the card you hit is Vargoth
Considering priest is able to lower spell costs fairly easily now this card is actually very scary.
I dare say 5 stars. My hate for Priest knows where this is going…
I don’t think this quest is bad as much as it’s pretty boring. I could see a pretty great midrange deck come out of this if it gets a little more support