thmaszhnag's Comments
Door of Shadows
So specific card draw with a potential upside is worth less than one mana now. Very balanced, no power creep at all.
Savory Deviate Delight
Why pirate or stealth minion specifically? The flavour doesn’t add up at all.
How Much Does A Full Hearthstone Expansion Cost (In Your Time Or Money)?
If it’s about playing well, you don’t need even the tenth of each expansion. Sticking with budget aggro with high play rates can get you a lot of gold and pretty high on ladder, no doubt. But this is about having the opportunity of casually experimenting with cool combos yourself. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who want to experiment with Big Beast Leoroxx, but oh sorry you won’t get that far with that off-meta card, best go craft Dragonbane and stick to Face Hunter, at least the winrate will be above 50%. Why would any sane person pay 300$ just to lose on ladder? So I can congratulate myself for winning with my stupid combo 1/10 of the time?
How Much Does A Full Hearthstone Expansion Cost (In Your Time Or Money)?
Thank you, excellent article.
300$ every four months is unreasonably expensive to get the full experience of each expansion. You can buy MULTIPLE triple A games with that money that you can enjoy the full experience of with that money. Yeah sure, you don’t need to play the ten classes and all 24 legendries, you could just stick to the meta and craft what you need and all, but gosh does it feel like shit when so much content is locked behind unreachable money walls.
Look, I know it’s your money, pay for Hearthstone if you love and support it, of course it’s your decision. And yeah yeah it’s the nature of any card game. But what is even the publicity strategy here? For Hearthstone to be an exclusive rich-people card game? A game where the cool kids with either tons of money or time to burn can show off their exclusive off-meta legendries? Sure it makes me go wow when I see a token Greybough Druid on ladder, because not only are they taking a risk losing rankings, but also taking risks crafting a terrible legendary. But honestly is it really a cool flex? Personally I’d argue no.
I think Hearthstone should be more open to people experimenting with cards and different decks and money shouldn’t be an obstacle to that.
Solar Eclipse
Can you add this card to your deck or can it only be generated by Kiri?
(UPDATE: LIVE NOW!) Demon Hunter Nerfs - Skull of Gul'dan, Imprisoned Antaen, Eye Beam and Aldrachi Warblades
Usually I would say let the meta settle and so on, but this is way too obvious of a problem. Look at all the assets Demon Hunter has:
-Early aggression
-Anti-aggro taunts
-Late-game big minions (priestess of fury is a stupid card)
-Freaking lifesteal from a class that uses face to attack
-Burst Damage (more than hunter or rogue)
-FREAKING silence???
-CARD DRAW (it draws more than warlocks for crying out loud)???
-That guy with charge that ignores taunt is just freaking terrible design
Goru the Mightree
I mean after Thaurissan’s shenanigans rotate back to wild, quest druid won’t really have a win condition, besides pure value, so treants should be okay as a late game token win condition:
Stall for 4 turns, some kinda hand refill with Nourish until 7 mana and then unload with this, forest’s aid and Cenarius. It will probably resemble the pre wild growth nerf token druid that ramped up before doing combos of sticky minions and then savage roar and such. With waves and waves of 3/3 treants this might just be a viable win condition.
you can still gain armor after your armor has been wiped? ya just dont wanna stack it anymore.
Against decks that have hero cards, this can be saved to straight up deal 5 damage to face.
What the hell?? This should not have almost premium stats for such op effect!!
Cobalt Spellkin
This won’t give quests or side quests by accident right? Definitely good for any kind of hand size decks.
Tentacled Menace
You just got an answer: the purpose is to hopefully cheat out a Colossus for 4 mana while your opponent is stuck with a 10 mana Frizz. Although it’s inconsistent by all means, it’s at least a card cycle and a 6/5 minion for 5 mana.
Will it be included in any big decks?
Maybe and maybe not but you can at least be sure that the memes will be strong with this one.
Descent of Dragons Card Review #5 - Ancharr, Kobold Stickyfinger, Cumulo-Maximus, Zzeraku, Nithogg, Bandersmosh, Frizz Kindleroost and more!
For Frizz, I don’t get the 4 mana for 5/4 stats as being bad stats statement. Have we EVER seen a 4 mana 5/5 without downside? Hell if Frizz was 4 mana 5/5 every single deck would run it just for the tempo with or without dragons. In many card review articles there’s mention of x mana for x/x+1 or x+1/x as being “okay” or bad stats, but the stats are really vanilla, as in it’s not “normal” to expect more than maybe a taunt tag to the minion. More than that the tempo would be huge, and free tempo is just bad card design. I don’t know, not a big deal, but I really wanted to point that out because it kinda bothers me.
To be fair shaman has got their strongest legendary ever with Shudderwock so it’s only fair it waits until it rotates out before getting any other decent ones
I mean… we’ll laugh all we want until it gets a 5 mana shudderwock that one time and bounces it back with bog slosher
Isn’t the game infested with bugs already? Isn’t this mechanic going to add even more bugs to the already broken game client?