TheTommunist's Comments
Unidentified Elixir
I’m wondering if this card really is good or not. In wild, Velen’s Chosen seems more appealing since it gives more value on play, while Unidentified Elixer gives more value over time. Giving a minion +2/2 for 3 mana is below average, but 3 mana for +2/2 and divine shield is nuts. However, my concern is that the card is relatively slow. For most of the early game, it’s better to play minions on curve, and even if you do pull off first buff, the second one might not be worth it since it can’t be played on curve. Then again, divine shield and lifesteal are excellent mechanics to have in all stages of the game, especially in the mid-late game.
Roffle's #2 Legend Wild Secret Mage
Damn this deck is good. Took out Loatheb for Rag as an alternate finisher in case I didn’t draw Dr. Boom. Plus, against most decks (which were control) Counterspell pretty much always prevented from clearing my board, so I didn’t really need Loatheb. Pushed from Rank 13 to Rank 5 with this deck. Great work!
Reno Deathrattle Hunter - KFT
What do you mean? Healbot and Reno are plenty for me. Maybe you have bad RNG or have been placed against really aggressive decks?
Wild Tempo Warrior! - Knights of the Frozen Throne
You can probably cut Grommash, Ragnaros, or any other high-cost card.
Wild Tempo Warrior! - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Furthermore, there’s a lot of cards that fit into the Tempo Warrior archetype. It all comes down to how effective they are in the deck; cards like Inner Rage and Mountainfire Armour don’t make a big enough impact. Cruel Taskmaster is solid, and I’ll if he’s good enough. Also, in my opinion, Malkorok is too inconsistent. Sometimes I get amazing weapons, but most of the time, I get wrecked by bad RNG.
Wild Tempo Warrior! - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Rotface might do really well. Only problem is, I don’t have him, so I can’t test him 🙁
Wild Tempo Warrior! - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Yeah, forgot about that. Thanks, though!
Quest OTK (Giant) Freeze Mage
Actually, 4 giants is relatively slower. The cost of molten giant completely depends on how aggressive your opponent is playing, plus you have to draw all 4 cards, rather than just 3 cards (Alextrasza and 2 Arace giants). The Alex + Arcane Giants combo is more efficient because most classes don’t have any way to gain armor. I guess the molten giants would be stronger and cheaper, but less consistent because their cost is completely reliant on the opponent.
Spikeridged Steed
I disagree. Elemental Shaman seems good so far – it’s insane curve starting from turn 3 can easily out tempo jade decks.
Evolving Spores
This card is actually pretty good in token druid. Now you can give all your dudes +3 attack or windfury Pogchamp
Elemental Jade Shaman
Why Volcano? It makes no sense in this deck. Your deck jade/elemental deck, and both tribes tend to create a very midrange game plan, meaning that you tend to have solid minions on board most of the time. Therefore, if you play Volcano, it also does damage to your own minions.
I also don’t agree with the Tar Creeper choice. Why not run Tol’vir Stoneshaper? It’s much, much more solid in general, and is a lot stronger in your deck. You don’t necessarily that 3 mana taunt, because you already many other strong cards against aggro, for example, Maelstrom Portal, Jade Claws, Lightning Storm, and Gluttonous Ooze. Tol’vir is also much stronger in the midrange game, since you can curve into many solid minions.
Also, you’re not running any card draw. I’d probably recommend two Mana Tide Totems to maintain board control and pressure against mirror or control matchups.
Sherazin, Corpse Flower
This card actually isn’t as bad as you guys think. Think about it… rogues are already paying 3-4 card a turn in the midgame, and this card is definitely a midrange card. It’s incredibly sticky, and can exhaust your opponents removals if he continues to target it. Also, rogues have so many cheap card draw mechanics that they can easily summon this minion.
Lakkari Sacrifice
This card could even make zoolock more midrange and better against control decks, instead of competing with pirates for aggro dominance and getting crushed by board clears and removal.
Lakkari Sacrifice
This card REALLLLLY powerful in zoolock, in addition with the other 4 mana 3/8 taunt. In zoo lock, you have a lot of cheap cards that have the discard effect. So therefore, you could get the portal out as early as turn 5 or 6, and summoning a 6/5 worth stats everyturn for the rest of game is extremely difficult to counter, since you pretty can’t lose tempo, unless you’re opponent floods the board and clears yours. Even at this stage, this card could help zoolock can quickly control the board again without using mana. Also, keeping this card in your hand on turn 1 isn’t exactly bad. Sure, it makes your hand weaker, but life tap completely makes up for that when your hand is relatively empty.
Kazakus RenoLock Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
Or possibly sub in Kabal Trafficker?
Kazakus RenoLock Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
Unfortunately, I have every card but Juraxxus, plus I don’t have Alextrasza to replace him. However, I do have Rafaam and Ysera. I was thinking about replacing him with Ysera, but she seems too slow in the current meta. Would Rafaam be an adequate replacement in this deck?
Reno Mage Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
Thanks! I’ve figured that the turn 10 Antonidas into coin, coin, coin, Thaurissan is extremely powerful.
Reno Mage Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
Alright, thanks! The only problem was the early Justicar, which allowed my opponent to build up an enormous amount of armor. That strategy seems to work really well – I’ve been having much, much higher win rates against the occasional control warrior.
This is literally just a Golden Monkey but without Elise Starseeker LOL
I’d run this any day