Theo's Comments
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
To ruin combo’s from combo decks, to pull important lategame cards such as N’zoth and is also sometimes a nice taunt versus aggro.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
I’d say Pyros is quite important, and without it maybe standard control mage is better. If you really want to play this, Cairne is probably the best card to fill its role.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
They both have upsides and downsides, but acolyte is indeed another option.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
There aren’t any good direct replacements for them, but you probably do want one extra good deathrattle + and the other card you can fill with whatever you like.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
You always want to keep doomsayer/dragon’s fury to deal with your opponents early game, even in matchups like priest. Matchups ofcourse are very different but in general your wincondition is to deny your opponents win condition as this deck basically always wins the lategame. So in general you just want to think in every matchup what their win condition is and try to prevent that.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
Maybe with a Coldlight Oracle to still have some draw in the deck.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
I guess it could be a replacement for Sindragosa if you don’t have her, but you don’t really need more lategame with the deck as it currently stands.
I hit #1 with this deck on EU
Would be nice to change the title too! 😀