TheMachineQc's Comments
Sacrificial Zoolock
Just playing around with another variant of this deck using dredger staff and Michievous imps, it can be very strong early
Cyclone Mage - Rise of Shadows - #2 Legend (Apxvoid) - Updated
I made this deck and even with only 1 sandbinder it works fine, but I’m sure having 2 can be really useful when RNG isn’t on your side. The elementals are really key to the combos. The only cards I don’t have are Luna and Khadgar so I replaced them and the second sandbinder with 2x banana buffons and a tome of intellect so I can get more free spells from out of nowhere.
Fun deck to play because you get to play a ton of cards that didn’t even start in your deck and the combos can be insane with 0 cost spells! Sometimes I wonder if I should add a vex crow to the deck to spawn more units but I tried some variations and this deck is probably the best conjurer/cyclone hybrid I tried yet. Messenger raven can also be a good replacement for a more budget version of this deck, but because of Mana Cylones/sorcerer’s apprentice combo I seem to have more success with banana buffons.
Vex Crow Mage - Rise of Shadows - #63 Legend (myao)
Seems like a decent deck but I I think would use banana buffoons instead of messenger ravens. They will basically give you 2 free cards for 0 mana if used in combo with mana cyclone and sorcerer’s apprentice.
Here against token druid, Okani and Amalgam made the come back possible.