The Groosalugg's Comments
Quest Druid - #49 Legend (hatul) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Damn, I got Untapped potential, Cenarius and Floops goop on one of my servers and was eventually gonna build Quest Druid when i get more cards / dust. But I dusted Floops goop as I never thought it would make it to a deck
Combo Priest - #5 Legend (matatadaima) - Uldum Post-Nerf
I’m having trouble getting past rank 17 with this deck.
Except I don’t have Bwonsamdi so I use a Mass Dispel.
Also no potion vendors, it runs 1 Acolyte and 1 extra arms.
I just came across a version that ran 2 Young Priestess, what do you think of that?
Zephrys the Great
I hate this card so much, he ruins every good game that was ever otherwise fair.
It’s about time he gets a nerfing, but not a 3 mana nerfing, something harsher
Combo Priest - Early #1 Legend (Thund3r) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Love this deck. So cheap, powerful and much fun to play. Dropped a cleric, lightwarden and a sidekick by turn vs Paladin and watched him squirm as he didn’t use his hero power and just had to stall for many turns.
Token Shaman - Early #46 Legend (Phoeba) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Ended up building murloc shaman (which cost more) and now 2400 dust short of this. So much regret, all that deck has is murlocs it gets shut down too easily and I rarely get a streak. Gonna have fun trying to climb now as I have no other cards at all
Cyclone Mage - #65 Legend (Apxvoid) - Uldum Post-Nerf
I run him in a secret mage deck I got somewhere on this site. Its not ranked worthy but fun for casual. You often can’t do much until you get at least 5 mana tho
Control Warrior - #1 Legend (Jarla) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Quest druid is usually a good match up for me.
Its those Paladin decks that are a paladin in my arse
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
I have only bought a welcome pack on my Europe server thus far so I’m amazed to have any completed decks but I’ve started playing Asia/America last week to give me more variety and let me unlock more packs. I only aim to climb to rank 5 so I can get my golden epic and that’s good enough for me.
In Europe I have the full control warrior, a secret mage deck but some other mage cards for future and a bomb hunter minus Leeroy. Plus I did have the full token druid until it immediately died on Aug 7th and I dusted my wisps.
I only hit rank 25 2 days ago on the others but in Asia I’m already climbing with Priest and have half a token druid deck, but it costs a lot of dust to finish it so it’ll be a while for that one. I expect to reach 5 before the end of the season, the priest deck is really fun and provides some wild matchups.
On America my collection is not so good, it was looking the way of the warlock but as we said already, plus its expensive to build. I do have a Vessina however so I may be able to build Aggro Overload Shaman with it as I’ve seen a recent decklist without any other legendaries.
Unfortunately I wasn’t forward thinking enough when they gave free legendaries out and I only ever logged in in Europe to get my free Archmage and Snip Snap, crafting them now would be like getting kicked in the balls.
Token Shaman - Early #46 Legend (Phoeba) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Only 1 legendary and I already have it.
Think I found something for my Americas server
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
You are right that I am basing my opinion based on my own plays only as I don’t have anything else to compare atm.
It’s like last meta bomb hunter was a tier 1 deck and cheap to build so I made it, I’m a new player and it was my first competitive deck. I was rank 20 and it couldn’t get me past 14. Then I built druid and it got me to 4 until Uldum came out. But at that time we were no mentions of mage in the meta and apparently the big tournament (whatever its called) was 1/3 mage players and was won by mage. I also had a decent collection for a mage deck. Since Uldum I dusted everything to make warrior as its a sure thing and I can rebuild again by winning more.
What is the budget deck you speak of?
I started playing the other 2 servers recently and looking for cheap decks I can build on them so I can climb. On my Asian server I got enough dust to build the full Combo Priest minus the 1 mana fetching legendary. Not to mention a good start towards Quest Druid.
On my America server however my cards have been crap but I got Supreme Archaeology and Dr Morrigan so I hoped it’s a viable alternative but I guess not. Then Archvillain Rafaam popped up on my Asia server which was an annoying divide, needless to say he is dust now.
I don’t want to get into another token druid situation as I crafted Whispering Woods (now dust) and Keeper Stalladris and he has no use anymore, though I managed to keep him from being dusted thus far.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
I see the list has been updated since my comment and priest is now tier 1.
I’m not sure if this list is supposed to be in order as control warrior is dropped down to 4th which is what I’m playing atm and I’ve come up against many quest druids and needless to say their quests ended in their death. In one match I did a massive cock up as my finger slipped and I dropped an Omega Devastator (pre turn 10) instead of a Plague Wrath when he had a Cenanarius and 4 others on the board which caused me to take one hell of a beating but I still won. I do want to build a quest druid on my Asia server as I got Untapped Potential and Cenarius but don’t have enough dust to form the rest.
Surprised to see token druid on the list at all as I played this last meta and it served me well but soon as Uldum released my deck became obsolete and I couldn’t win at all.
Murloc paladin is tier 2 on this list but it trashed my warrior deck pretty easy unlike many of the other tier 1s.
Still don’t see any mention of Warlock with quest and Dr Morrigan as I’ve come up against this a few times and it’s beat my warrior.
Zoo Warlock - #7 Legend (DarkClaw) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Why? What’s wrong with it?
I just started playing on different servers and got to 25 on American, need to craft a deck, was looking at Warlock, but the lists vary a lot
Miracle Priest - #1 Legend (新神) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Oh I see, what version did run it? Somebody had to for it to get nerfed
Miracle Priest - #1 Legend (新神) - Uldum Post-Nerf
So are people no longer running Extra arms since the nerf? And why not?
Can you update the budget version please? I’ve recently started playing on the American and Asia server and need to build a cheap deck to get started
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
Is combo priest not tier 1? It’s done well enough to get nerfed.
I haven’t come across any big spell mage decks before during ranked, are they really tier 1? Same for bomb warrior, I used to come up against it loads and now I never play against it.
What about quest warlock? I’ve come up against this a few times but rarely ever zoo, it does well against control warrior.
Cyclone Mage - #1 Legend (ARAI) - Uldum Post-Nerf
I thought Cyclone mage was dead pre-uldum. And this list features no new cards.
I read that the recent tournament 1/3 people played mage, I find it bizarre that they that when you looked at the best standard decks in the meta on this site there wasn’t even any mage decks listed in any of the tiers as far as I remember. He listed bomb hunter, overload and murloc shaman, bomb warrior, some others but no mage.
Control Warrior - #1 Legend (Bunyhoppor) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Yeah I hate this deck as well. But I built it anyway once Uldum hit as my Token Druid became immediately obsolete and I wanted just one reliable tier 1 deck in my collection
Control Warrior - #1 Legend (Bunyhoppor) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Why are people downvoting this deck? It looks like your standard decklist with some minor adjustments
Stupid abuse of the vote system. Its designed to show which decks are good and which aren’t, not your uninformed opinion of preference. Doesn’t help other users