Th0massn's Comments
Glacial Mysteries
Remember when everyone underrated mysterious challenger because it couldn’t work in a deck. Well this is nothing like it this is actually not playable.
Crypt Lord
Wow this is TRASH! absolute 1/10 terrible even for token what people are saying for some strange reason.
Everyone is making up ways to make this work but the point is that everything that you can think of is horrible so this card is equally horrible 1/10
Abominable Bowman
Very strange way to review the card this is especially strong against jade druid since it makes good use of the druids biggest weakness non stop pressure in the midgame and do you think a mage has the time to get 20 dmg done in those turns before it while keeping the board clear? I dont think you’re a very high ranked player from this comment.
Sanguine Reveler
Use those tokens to make a bigger guy could activate eggs or other deathrattle minions.
6/10 maybe zoo has a way back into the meta and it will be a higher rating for me but 6/10 is the most ill give it now.
Howling Commander
This card is okay but nothing you’d want to play the divine shield deck seems to be something that would be more aggressively build and this card is very bad tempo as its body is small.
4/10 wont see play in the paladin deck they want it to be in. bad in arena
Highly overrated we’ve sene cards like this before fall flat on its face, overall still a good card but I dont think any deck would want to play this since the decks that are good with it (paladin) already is stacked in their upper drops
7/10 very good in arena basically a free kings that’s better against secrets.
Animated Berserker
Coin into acolyte I guess not good enough to play on that merit only will need more cards to come out to synergyze
3/10 pretty shit in arena too.
You are overtly negative about this card and I don’t really know why chance to draw al’akir is small since its a 1 off and you’re never keeping it in your mulligan and it’s not like there’s other cards that are ruined by draws that are overpowered (patches works literally the same way as you just described)
Light's Sorrow
Has some real potential once it hits 3 attack it’s already over its expected value lets hope that divine pally could work else this is useless ofcourse.
8/10 probably actually going to work very well seeing as 2 cards released for pally both have great divine shield synergy.
Not good at all cards like these have been brought out before and always fallen flat on their face and I don’t see how it could be any different this time
3/10 situationally good against some decks that dont run hex, silence, polymorph, devolve ect.
What? He doesn’t have to attack with the minion you know?