Terzo's Comments
BloodEdge's #98 Legend Witchwood Aggro Paladin
Happy Ghoul works with Call to Arms if I restore health before using it, or it just cost 0 when it’s in hand?
The Witchwood Card Review Part 7 - Chameleos, Witching Hour, Deadly Arsenal, Duskfallen Aviana, Wing Blast and More!
Toxmonger says whenever you play, so I don’t think this will work, cause you play a 3 mana card and summon 1 mana minion(s)
The Witchwood Card Review Part 5 - Scaleworm, Vex Crow, Coffin Crasher, Darius Crowley, Emeriss, and More!
I don’t think Darius it works the way you expect, because the wording they use here is different, they use After in Darius, but in Finja they use Whenever (which means at the same time) so finja get his buff in the same moment that he should have died, also Boogeymonster has When too.
If the After efect occours similar to Pyromancer, after a spell is casted he does 1 damage to all minions but if he dies with that spell he does nothing.
J4CKIECHAN's Kobolds and Catacombs Control Warlock ft. Rin, the First Disciple, Master Oakheart
Where is Rin?
Hearthstone Top Decks Kobolds and Catacombs Pre-Purchase Giveaway!
Btw, I love this site and the layout, nice work, and the compare machanic it’s also very good!
Hearthstone Top Decks Kobolds and Catacombs Pre-Purchase Giveaway!
I hope I’ve done everything right.
Maybe this kind of RNG I can win. Probably not. :/
Legendary Weapons Guide & Deck Lists - Kobolds and Catacombs
I think it might be something about the discard mechanic, so it would be like: any spells discarded are casted instead, targets are randomly chosen.
Savjz's Marin the Fox Treachery Warlock (November 2017)
For a certain board clear with Doomsayer.
Legendary Weapons Guide & Deck Lists - Kobolds and Catacombs
I think Druid weapon will have attack value, cause Druid HP (Hero Power) adds an attack value to the Hero, so it would degrade the weapon durability. And if I’m not mistaken, they said in the show that only Warlock Mage and Priest weapons would have 0 attack.
Journey to Un'Goro Guide, Information, and More!
Ah, And Curious Glimmerroot into Priest!
Journey to Un'Goro Guide, Information, and More!
Hey man, Terzo again
I noticed it’s missing the Glacial Shard Card a neutral Common minion, and The Raptor Token in the Hunter section
Baleful Bamker could work, the main reason for Zola is to copy an Amara, the only problem with Baleful is that you put 1 extra card to draw, and you need to draw all your deck to use this deck main win condition