Terrylolol's Comments
Apxvoid's Legend Murloc Mage (May 2018)
Mostly for fun, but Apxvoid did climb from rank 5 to legend with this deck. But he is a pro mage player so he could probably get legend with any mage deck tbh.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (March 2025)
What rank are you at? Is it the Clockwork Automaton + Cube combo? I’ve seen a list like that but it didn’t look practical at all.
Shudderwock & Lifedrinker Animation Speed Being Increased! Shudderwock to be Capped at 20 Battlecries!
Omg no! Why would you do that?!?
Witchwood Apple
Nah I don’t play that class (not a fan of that crap), I just know how the cards work.
This deck is definitely most for fun. I didn’t say anywhere that you have to be a pro to play this deck, all I said was that Apxvoid got to legend very quickly and easily with this deck mostly because hes a pro, any non-pro is just going to end up not playing this deck as wel.. That’s kind of common sense.