Tatmantoo's Comments
Eydis Darkbane
Paladin is stuffed full of cheap, and useful, buffs. Combine with the Paladin Quest card and you have something worth looking at.
Paladin LitchKing Buff
This is my first posted deck and I was inexperienced with the process and did not really discus how the deck should work, if it is not obvious.
Ideally you buff the crap out of the Arcane Anomaly and Adapt it to have Windfury. You also want to get Blessing of Wisdom places on it as soon as possible to draw more buffs.
Use Equality and Consecration to clear turn 7.
Eydie Darkbane can also be an amazing card to start buffing repeatedly for obvious reasons.
After I mulliganed to the right draw I won on the first try.
It is successful because you are focusing on just a select few cards that are insanely difficult to kill, thus circumventing the Litch King taking your cards.
I have had no issue dealing with these decks using midrange paladin, namely capitalizing on Equality and Sunkeeper. You can even Stonehill into Sunkeeper quite frequently. That being said, I can’t get past the priest decks with midrange pally. I do however chop druid decks up more than half the time.