TardisGreen's Comments
Jailer Control Warrior - #5 Legend (Construct) - March of the Lich King
Can’t be a Control deck when your deck lacks reactive tools. This deck has no answers for early game minions. Not only does it get run over by Aggro, but it can’t even handle a Watch Post or an Okami.
(Live Now) Hearthstone 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Death Knight Buffs, Nerfs to Renathal, DH, Druid, Priest, Rogue & Warlock, Battlegrounds & Arena Updates
At Worlds this weeken, virtually every player brought DH, and NONE brought Hunter. Ponder that.
25.0.3 Patch Notes - Sire Denathrius & Shockspitter Nerfs, Patrons Temporarily Banned (Update: Unbanned Now)
Maybe you dhould try holding your breath. It’s a tried and true technique for whiny spoiled children.
The Three Cards That Dominate Castle Nathria - Are Renathal, Theotar, and Denathrius a Problem?
Better solution: L2P
Was There a Mini-Set? Maw and Disorder’s Lack of Effect on the Meta
Newsflash: there is no HoF. Even if there were, there is absolutely no reason to move any of these cards to it.
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Murder at Castle Nathria (+Maw and Disorder) Week 9 - October 2022
For what seems like ages, the whining nimrods cried for 40 starting health. “The game has gotten too aggressive. We want to play CONTROL.”
It’s so ironic that the best deck by far starts with 40 health, doesn’t play an ounce of removal, and is NOT a Control deck.
Lesson to nimrods – be careful what you wish for.
How Pay-to-Win Is Hearthstone Battlegrounds Now? The Past and Future of BG Monetization
Battlegrounds is very popular now. But if charging $20 every four months is “too expensive” for it’s player base, it won’t ever be worth supporting, and would have to be discontinued. It’s that simple.
Shadow Priest - #20 Legend (Rusthishiro) - Throne of Tides
In HS 2022, this deck is totally unplayable. It has no power spikes.
Stewart the Steward
It can’t give “great” value for a *while*, especially if it sticks – the effect is a deathrattle. It gives you one big dude, but only once, after it dies.
Iksar's Twitter Q&A #44 Summary - Classic As A Rotating Format, Graveyard Feature, 4 Sets Per Year, Alternate Artwork, Dungeon Run, Dr. Boom and more!
That is a very polite answer, but is there some reason why the toxic post deserved it in the first place? It’s one thing to permit it in the first place, but another to encourage it.
Iksar's Twitter Q&A #44 Summary - Classic As A Rotating Format, Graveyard Feature, 4 Sets Per Year, Alternate Artwork, Dungeon Run, Dr. Boom and more!
The game will survive the loss of a special snowflake.
(Live Now) Hearthstone Patch 24.4.3 Notes - Massive Balance Update For Constructed, Battlegrounds and Mercenaries
Also, it is really dangerous to look only at WR when played data. Caria only gets played when she is transforming – the lowrolls don’t get factored in.
(Live Now) Hearthstone Patch 24.4.3 Notes - Massive Balance Update For Constructed, Battlegrounds and Mercenaries
I know. However my experience with her in the deck was less than good. Of course, my sample size is insignificant, and maybe I just had bad RNG with her.
(Live Now) Hearthstone Patch 24.4.3 Notes - Massive Balance Update For Constructed, Battlegrounds and Mercenaries
The nerf to Caria was a shock to me. I’m unconvinced that she even belonged in the deck. I think this was more about anti-hiroll concerns than balance.
I think that Guff, which is hands down the best hero card now, may eventually get nerfed. Druid is in a funny spot in Standard right now. I realize he helps Druid do some really broken things in the other modes, but that isn’t going to be a criteria for a Standard nerf.
The Warrior nerfs were huge. And I’m not really a fan of Warrior.
Thief Rogue - #1 Legend (Mariana) - Throne of Tides
Yep. Perfect example of how a terrible deck can do well in a narrow meta game, which high legend certainly is. Totally unplayable trash.
Naga Aggro Demon Hunter - #17 Legend (DracoCatt) - Throne of Tides
I wish Caria was playable, but this is NOT the way. Draw her while you have the Colossal in hand or you have already played it, and you have a 6 mana 6/6 with no text. Jace has got to be.a better win con.
(Update: Mercenaries Y'Shaarj Event Is Live Now) Hearthstone 23.4 Patch Notes
They have jobs working on a successful and entertain game. You, on the other hand, do nothing but post baby rage whines. What are you either doing here?
Decks, such as Small Beast Hunter and Rainbow DK, that can fit Glacial Shard are doing so. Freezing the second swing of the weapon for a turn or two can be quite impactful.