Summondo's Comments
Deathwing, Dragonlord
There are so many big dragons you would play with him, not all but at least a few: Ysera, Alexstrasza, Chromaggus, Nefarian, Malygos, Original Deathwing, Nozdormu, Chillmaw, Hungry Dragon, Dragon Consort, Drakonid Crusher, Volcanic Drake, Coldarra Drake, Onyxia and even Azure Drake. So even if it’s just a Azure Drake that you get off it, then it’s still a 16/16 over two bodies, that needs to be dealt with. Then if you get the dream of Original Deathwing, Ysera and Malygos, then you are nearly unstoppable.
Old Gods Shaman Control
oo many battlecries and not big enough minions to make Y’Shaarj worth it. Alakir isn’t that good to get out in the end of your turn.
Vilefin Inquisitor
I would sat op one drop, but there is no real deck for it, when justicar can’t affect it and 2 Silver hÃ¥nds is still better then one 1/1 murloc. It’s easier to get this, but a murloc deck isn’t good in standard with the murlics we have now and this is complete garbage with anything can happen.
Seems great, not a card the current mage decks will use maybe some new will come.