Sulfur's Comments
Tempo Rogue Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Thanks @Chimborazo for the great deck, article and reasoning behind it. Since I can not put much time into the game, I was looking for a deck that is quick to play on on one hand – and for which I have the most important cards on the other hand for quite some time now, and this list carried me from 20 to Legend rank within 4 days.
I do not own Shaku nor Xaril and was not very impressed with the Spellbreaker, so went with 2 Vicious Fledglings instead of the Legeneries. Regarding the Spellbreaker spot I toyed around for some time and finally setled on Mind Cotrol Tech, which is a great way to give me a shot at games that usually I can not win. He has been quite good in situations where my Druid opponent hided behind a wall of Spreading Plague or against decks that are very fast (Warlock Zoo, Token Druid, Hunter).
In my opinion, that is not a good idea. Especially cutting a Vilespine Slayer would not be exactly an advantage. This deck is an agrressive tempo deck; putting any non aggressive cards in it will weaken the deck.