subtl3's Comments
Tenwu of the Red Smoke
The only thing this card does better than shadowstep is bounce 6/7 drops and give you a 3/2. If you use it on anything less than 5 mana you’re spending more than shadowstep just for a 3/2 and you lose the discount on anything 8 or 10 if you shadowstepped Tenwu. don’t get me wrong I’ll use it but it’s really only good for 6/7-drop battlecries as a slightly better shadowstep.
Tenwu of the Red Smoke
Everyone’s hyping this card up, but I think it’s a huge disappointment when I think about it. This is just a legendary shadowstep or at best murmuring elemental for Rogue. The only time where you want a separate battlecry is when you’re targeting specific minions with destroy/damage effects and otherwise this is just another version of Spirit of the Shark or Brann that only works with one minion.
Grand Empress Shek'zara
Really good for transmogrifying bombs out of your deck. Otherwise, what is the Mantid Empress doing at the Darkmoon Faire?
Bladed Lady
There’s an even faster way to get this earlier. Turn 3 Aldrachi Warblades, turn 4 twin slice second slice and bam, two ladies on turn 4.
Why is this Elemental when it should be Alemental?