StarPlatnum's Comments
Lord Jaraxxus Will Become a Hero Card In Core Set
I think it won’t even change you max health. Hero cards have to be intuitive, and what’s not intuitive has to be written on the card. No other hero card effects your health so they’ll have to write that on the card “And set your max health to (x)” seems clunky and frankly unnecessary. I expect something like 8 mana 5 armor battlecry equip a 3/6 weapon. That way it functions as a late game value generator.
Activate the Obelisk
I imagine it’d work similar to a kazakus potion or a weapon with lifesteal Allowing the minion to live.
High Priest Amet
is that true? i’m not sure about how things work anymore. I remember reading the action order update notes like three years ago but i cant remember it. do battlecries trigger after everything. (I also remember that “whenever” and “after” trigger at different times im guessing “whenever” triggers before battlecries and “after” triggers when the battlecry ends ((oh i think i just answered my question… nevermind)))
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
so are we just not going to reveal the priest cards…
Blizzard out here missing golden card naming opportunities. should’ve been “actual ironfur grizzly”
Conjurer's Calling
get a giant to cost 2 or less, play it, play Khadgar, play this targeting a giant once for 34/34 worth of stats or twice for 50/50 worth of stats. seems fun. I’ll at least toy with it. I like the flexability.
Exotic Mountseller
if there wasn’t a 30 card limit, sure, but there’s so many better ways to get that value. I don’t see this making the cut
Archmage Vargoth
As for spell hunter I didn’t mean in conjunction with bar’shaarj but instead, for the people who either dont have those legendaries or don’t like the near 50% chance you pull y’shaarj first in which case it’s usually a dead card. I will admit though, theres not a lot you can do in one turn to get that much value out of it.
Archmage Vargoth
There was several top tier versions of wild big priest without barnes. Also by time you’re rezzing all your minions you’re not playing the removal spells anymore. Controlling what spells you play each turn is too easy for you to say that’s the downside. Adding this one card makes 8 cards in your deck summon double the big minions in a deck that wants to summon as many big minions as possible and the only requirement is that this minion has to die. Im sorry, I just cant see this card NOT being played in that deck
Desperate Measures
it just occurred to me that the 5 villain classes might not get twinspell because they’re getting callback cards
Archmage Vargoth
even if you’ve played more than 3 minions and don’t resurrect it, it’s still a great card to have in your rez pool. will be a mainstay in wild big priest and if blizzard prints a single “cheat out a minion” card in 2 years, it’ll be a mainstay in standard big priest
Archmage Vargoth
Can’t wait to see the twitch videos of people playing the coin the same turn
Archmage Vargoth
Mass resurrection is what you’re missing. (standard players have no quick way to get the minions out, but i’m a wild player so it doesn’t apply to me) it gets you two copies of this card plus 2 copies of 2 other large minions. all you have to do is make sure he dies. this is a 4th priest legendary IMO. I could also see this as the only minion is spell hunter. (again, wild player) it also would be a fun card in espionage rogue
Archmage Vargoth
are you really memeing on them if you give them 4-6 mana and card advantage of 2-3…
(also I would like to point out that “memeing” is an actual word according to my spell check. IDK why, I just thought that was strange.)
Ugh, I’m gonna get taxed for this, aren’t I…