Squirrel's Comments
"Pants" Squirel's aggressive and fun Dijinni of Zephyrsand Yogg-saron. Best new ladder deck.
Hey all,
Let me know if you need clarity, card substitutions or have ideas for the deck. It’s a young deck, but promising.
Also, if you like the deck please press the like button. That’s good feedback for me.
Squirrel's M&M's. Minion Mage.Dragons. Season 27.New deck for you. No spell Reno mage.
Classic lateralus. What is that anyways??
Squirrel's "Toasted!" Tempo Yogg-Saron, Hopes End, Reno Jackson Mage. Season 27
Oh btw I play brann in the wild version of this deck due to antique heal bot. Also bran+mc is very strong against secrets paladin and N’zoth builds.
Squirrel's "Toasted!" Tempo Yogg-Saron, Hopes End, Reno Jackson Mage. Season 27
Bran is good. Not enough ETB in this version. If you want to play him I’d add twilight drake.
Squirrel's Yogg-n-thun. Reno Jackson, Yogg-Sarron Hopes End, C'thun. Hybrid Mage.
Let me know if you like the deck but need substitutions. There are a lot of flex spots.
Toast! Reno-Yogg Mage. Rank 3. On the Road to legend. Undefeated level 7-5.
I just wanted to share an epic game with you all against cursed playing N’Zoth priest.
Some of the highlights are:
Tomb spider fetching muluka tyrant of the vale. (Tried replacing emperor with tomb spider)
Yogg cleared his board and gave me 3 secrets and shadow form!
He plays sylvanas, I play my own and fire ball it, he entombs it back, I flame strike it away, he plays N’zoth I play doomed necromancer and roaring torch his sylvanas to clear his board and put him in fatigue.
Things are looking good, but I’m worried about an OTK fatigue death. I Reno, he renos. Finally my legends from the golden monkey bring home the bacon with us both only having one card in hand, despite a large mistake on my behalf of wasting a gorehowl for damage.
Toast! Reno-Yogg Mage. Rank 3. On the Road to legend. Undefeated level 7-5.
Should be loot hoarder.
Toast! Reno-Yogg Mage. Rank 3. On the Road to legend. Undefeated level 7-5.
Glad you like it. I updated it. Let me know if you like the changes!
Toast! Reno-Yogg Mage. Rank 3. On the Road to legend. Undefeated level 7-5.
Hey all,
The meta shifted towards midrange shaman, midrange Hunter and zoo. Therefore I’d recommend dropping auctioneer, Harrison Jones, loot hoarder, mana worm and ice block for stampeding kodo, acidic swamp ooze, mind control tech and arcane intellect. Basically the deck needs to get leaner and meaner on it’s mana curve in the mid game.
TheRealDrWho's Yogg-Saron Reno Mage - Hearthstone Americas Spring Prelims 2016
Cool deck. It’s very similar to my own brew, but more “cutesy”
I cut the overkill cards like archmage and Rhonin for more board control.
Do you think all those arcane missles are necessary when you could just play Barron for a mana cheaper and wipe thier board?
Standard YOGG Miracle Druid (Season 26)
Have you played out your version at all?
I like the addition of Fandral and Mire Keeper.
I think you are at a cross roads if you want to keep the auctioneer or not. If you want to keep him, then moon fire and Maligns is going to be bette then star full and druid of the claw in this deck. But if you are planning to run it without Auctioneer I can see the more controlling cards being o.k. .
Alexxx's Shadow Rogue / Season 26
i would try dark iron skuller. It may be better then drake or cult apothecary. Also no deadly poison or oracle?
Camel wrangler. Standard midrange Hunter, the old gods
Yes. You could run infested wolf. If you went that direction I’d run the mantis too.
Overpowered Mage deck! Tempo C'Thun Mage. Standard
Thanks for the PM. I don’t follow you. Can you rephrase your message?
Whispers of the Old Gods Ben Brode and Frodan Stream Liveblog!
You will all be dead to fire bat + kill command or double power overwhelming long before then. Blizzard is misdirecting what the meta will actually look like to hype the new cards. zoo, freeze Mage and face Hunter are all more powerful then the new stuff.
Whispers of the Old Gods Ben Brode and Frodan Stream Liveblog!
Disciple of C’thune and firey bat are very good.
Dark shire alchemist is constructed playable too.
Hearthstone Basic and Classic Set Nerfs Revealed!
Where is power overwhelming on this list????
Poisoned tea. Standard theory craft mill rouge combo
You would go to fatigue. Reno and Gang it up.next turn cold eyes gang up
I see. Should have known. Good band. You like APC too?