SqDnEsS's Comments
The Lich King Boss Guide - How-to Get the Prince Arthas Hero Skin
I also started playing since Un’Goro and I found a way to defeat the Lich King using a super cheap Jade Druid. The deck only has 2 Jade generating cards which are Jade Idol and Jade Blossom. I put 2 Gadgetzan Auctioneers in it to cycle my Jade Idols. I put a Moonglade Portal to heal myself in case I get low but you can replace that with Healing Touch. I also put in 2 Innervates since extra mana is useful and I put in 2 Wraths and 1 Swipe for early game removal. The rest of the cards are some random 1 mana minions. This deck uses the Lich King’s OP card against him since he will remove all minions that cost 3 or less wherever they are so your deck will be smaller and you can rely less on RNG and you can start cycling your Jade Idols a lot earlier. The tricky part is to get your Gadgetzan Auctioneer on the board and keep him alive. To do that you have to generate Jade Idols fast and get at least a 5/5 Jade Idol before turn 7.
would blood knight be good in this deck since you have a lot of divine shields and you can combo it with purifier’s maul? Blood knight also seems like a good tech card against other paladins.