Springtail's Comments
Embiggen Druid - #8 Legend (Ruby) - Galakrond's Awakening
cut tolvirs for tasty flyfins (buffs dragons, early game play with embiggen), cut ziliax, snipsnap and big ol’ welps for early game dragons? Faerie dragon comes to mind.
Galakrond's Awakening Meta Decks (Week 1) - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
This is not blizzards fault, processing through the mobile store companies takes time as the updates are vetted. Standard delay on their end as seen in most games.
16.0.5 Balance Update - Nerfs to Corrupt Elementalist, Sludge Slurper, Faceless Corruptor, Mogu Fleshshaper + Battlegrounds Changes - December 19
Honestly, I find half of these comments beyond stupid.
Firstly, don’t write “blizzards done this wrong” you are a player… compared to a full team of developers who have been doing this for years you are nothing. If anything comments like that expose how dumb you are to the point where you think your opinion trumps a whole company.
Secondly, play with the nerfs, find out whats good and new counters – change keeps the game fresh. stop moaning like children, honestly its embarrassing. This is topdecks, a place for great info and improving your play – respect that and comment accordingly; spark discussion.
Leave your pointless moaning to twitter.
Flik Skyshiv
Ahh forgot that rotates out, thank god. If shaman got nerfed that druid deck would’ve taken over. Ty for correction.
Flik Skyshiv
I don’t understand how no one has mentioned this: this shuts down holy wrath paladin and infinite Armour druid. This card stops them dead.
Candle Breath
Okay all your replies have tempted me too much; have to reply. I’ve mained rogue since the start of beta and seen all its iterations to high legend; I know this doesn’t matter to you but thought id add in for credibility.
Firstly fairie dragon has been used in many recent metas, all it takes is a quick check through this websites high legend tempo lists to see it present. “only in beta” is factually wrong.
Secondly; the lovely people of reddit did the maths ages ago and determined 7 dragons is all you need for dragon activation on average by the early turns to achieve maximal odds. 7 is not a lot.
Now, this card can work in a lot of decks but as a tempo refill card it has the most promise (deck has the most support currently of all archetypes) as such we already have 4 dragons which work; faire dragon and marsh drake. finding 3 other dragons that work will not be hard; you don’t need big dragons.
Lecture over, this expansion looks powerful.
Raid the Sky Temple
Why is the art reno raiding a temple? he isnt one of the bad guys? SMH does the character plot just not matter now?
Mosh'Ogg Announcer
I agree with this – its far better than any other ogre. It demands spell removal, no one wants to roll a 50/50 to remove it or potentially their own board, and thus in a tempo deck could be strong. Sleeper card?
This card is interesting; it provides high tempo when paired with Auchenai and thus in a tempo deck could be interesting – when behind it is stall, when ahead it is a pending 0 mana 3 damage. However seemingly too unreliable unless they print say a 2 mana 2/3 own healing is converted to damage. 4 combo minions like that is when I could consider this a tempo card.
(Kobold) Dragon Priest
You can run it instead of the 1/1 cycle engineer, at times it felt too clunky against aggro mass dispel, thats all.
(Kobold) Dragon Priest
Kill them with their own void lord, if they play two you have the book wyrms to clear the second one. Most common way of killing them but early buffing works too.
(Kobold) Dragon Priest
I don’t currently have a setup to record gameplay, however, if you’d like to see gameplay watch asmodai on twitch as he has reached rank 1 legend with a similar list – will give you an idea of how to mulligan and deal with certain matchups. Overall; against slower matchups you are looking to retain combo pieces and look for a window to kill them in one turn whilst aggro matchups you are looking for potion of madness and duskbreaker, eventually winning through board control.
That was a very brief summary above as there have been many different angles of play I’ve taken to get wins e.g. waiting with twilight acolyte to steal their minion and divine inner fire combo killing them with it or even simply utilising temporus from the dragon discoveries. I’m not gonna lie, this deck is very hard to master so watching streamers like asmodai should definitely help you get a grasp of the winning lines.
Ruby's #1 Legend Combo Dragon Priest (January 2018)
I have developed a list on this account which is a lot stronger against cubelock and overall more consistent across the board – check it out.
I’m just trying to promote an updated list because this archetype deserves more play as its incredibly strong if you can pilot it well.
Combo Priest Deck List Guide - Witchwood - July 2018
This list feels outdated, thats not a dig at the site because they do beyond a fantastic job here, so as a suggestion to anyone interested in this archetype; I’ve been keeping track of different versions of this deck whilst updating a list on this account – can have a look here if you want a updated list.
Overall; Lyra has been found to be too rng dependant whilst relying on no hard removal. Additionally the charge packages ive seen lately have been too inconsistent.
Finally, this deck archetype has a huge skill cap; a very hard deck to play however very rewarding – one of the strongest decks around due to being favoured in a lot of matchups. Definitely master it if you want to see good results in the current meta.
Fal'dorei Strider
Does the spider casts count towards arcane giant discount? Does the cast count towards sherazin card cast? If so for either this card is insane. Miracle was the first deck I made in beta, its been through so many variations and im excited that its taking a new direction.
Carnivorous Cube
I assume this gets cost reduction from Corpse Widow; making it three mana? Can someone confirm this, its death rattle can at times not be triggered that’s why I’m wondering.
Luffy's Aggro Murloc/Pirate Rogue (March 2017, Season 36)
This list is too slow in general – Tomb Pillager is weaker than the new 4 drop pirate that buffs the dagger; RDU has developed a better list than this.
Th HoboJed Demon Hunter list shown is a weak version.
Many of the cards are non-impactful. The weapon is only useful if hit by skull yet with this deck is optimal to play skull non-outcasted to get more turn time.
The following list is closer to optimal, Metamorphosis can be used instead of a nova however I prefer the board clear consistency for draw combos. Meta provides a technical first turn lethal however its unrealistic with the turn timer limit.