Spliff Master Herb's Comments
Embalming Ritual
I call it a more greedy play dead because you don’t get the immediate effect but you get more value in the long run. If you want instant value just play this and trade in the same turn. You’d prefer to compare it to hand of protection? Okay. You clearly know this card has much more synergy than that you’re just choosing not to make use of it at all. This card isn’t going to make Zerek good but priest already has many great minions which get better with this card.
Shadow of Death
This card is too slow and greedy. I’d rather play the original because i don’t have to wait for a good minion to be played first. I’d rather waste my turn for the prospect of future 4/4s as you’d usually have to wait till turn 6+ for this to even be better. If you play this in you’re rouge deck you will get out-tempoed but control decks and die.
Embalming Ritual
This is exactly the kind of card that would change that. Slightly worse but better value play dead. But priest has better synergy with one cost spells so this is real good. Priest is currently running snip-snap and many other mechs so it’s not to hard to think that they would add some welp’s to make thier decks more resilant agaisnt control with this.
Pharaoh Cat
It would have been more exciting in pally. This does however give the burgle rouge an inconsistant way of getting their +1/+1 and rush on their under city two drop (whatever it’s called) by turn two which could be strong. Probably not though as you’re most likely gonna get a neutral minion off of this.
Pharaoh Cat
Fire-fly is the best 1 drop in the game , It’s allowed be worse than fire- fly and still be good.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Read the comment i replied to that with. Keep re-reading it until it makes sense to you. Then think of something original to say as an argument instead of ignoring my statement.
It’s also pretty clear you don’t need a lackey on board for this card to be good, if you’re playing zoo right you should already be ahead on the board turn 5. Playing this with no instant value isn’t going to lose you the game and will give you’re deck a lot better finishing potential.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
The fact that this forces your opponent to remove every lackey you play makes to avoid getting blown out makes this card good already. If you’re playing against a match-up that can easily remove them you just save them until you can make a huge swing turn in the mid game. This is a game changer for zoo warlock and could gain you ridiculous tempo with magic carpet.
Hack the System
If we rate cards due to how good they are against big priest we wouldn’t have any good cards this expansion except plague of murlocs.
Colossus of the Moon
Zilliax gives crazy tempo and survive-ability with all the effects it has. This card has no taunt, lifesteal or rush so it’s hardly swinging the game against aggro decks trying to kill you. Against control it’s probably better but useally i’d rather play a zilliax on turn 10 than this vs aggressive decks. Its a a 5 mana do everything card, but this a 10 mana do nothing card.
Livewire Lance
Miscreant got nerfed dude, quite a while ago… you’re right about ooze though.
Livewire Lance
Miscreant is 4 mana and requires combo. This is 3 and doesn’t need set up. Miscreant gives you a 1/4 body that doesn’t impact the board very much when you play it. This weapon gives you 4 damage over 2 turns. With upgrade this will give you even more lackeys. On a base level this seems infinitely better than the rouge card.
Hack the System
You don’t lose the hero power. You can still make a 4/3. Making a 4/3 is a strong hero power by itself without the weapon allowing you to do it twice.
Hack the System
Pirate warrior’s optimal early game revolves around them saving their first pirate to play after a ships cannon. Not on turn one like you say. This quest is defiantly not to slow and will likely make the deck much more resilient in the mid/late game.
I’d say kayn is still very strong and worth keeping for demon hunters. Metamorphosis looks like it’s not going to be enough damage anymore, although this may surprise us and still be run as a finisher in aggro just not as much as before in the class in general. It’s probably wise to wait a bit after the nerfs with these legendarys a couple of days to see if people replace them from the top tier demon hunter decks, it’s likley they will just keep running them despite the nerfs. Especially kayn as he is still able to win you the game against the big taunts just as easy:)