SpaceMonkey's Comments
SpaceMonkey's Secret Paladin Deck List Guide (August 2016, Season 29)
Alright so I found a list that seems to be working for me while maintaining the core of the list.
Here are the changes:
-1 Abusive Sergeant
-2 Dragon Egg
-2 Silent Knight
-1 Barnes
-1 Keeper of Uldaman
+2 Selfless Hero
+1 Sir Finley Mrrgglton
+2 Acidic Swamp Ooze
+2 Argent Protector
In the current meta I was seeing that the deck was too susceptible to Shaman in particular, and even Secret Hunter was becoming obnoxious. I moved the deck away from trying to be overly sticky, as their was simply no way to hold the board against all the AoE and spell damage and weapons from the Shaman deck. I doubled down on the early game plan, which is still vulnerable, but is a little more proactive, teched in Ooze (great in this meta), and lowered the curve.
SpaceMonkey's Secret Paladin Deck List Guide (August 2016, Season 29)
I’ve been looking into this as well. There are a couple possibilities. Either A) it’s still fine as is, B) you can swap him for something like selfless hero, or C) you trade out the abusive/egg suite for something else. Without Abusive Sergeant the eggs feel less good, which makes me want to keep the abusives in, but a 1/1 is kinda meh. I’ll do some testing and let you know how it goes.
SpaceMonkey's Secret Paladin Deck List Guide (August 2016, Season 29)
That is very true. It is true that Noble Sac into Redemption is one of the worst, but most common, outcomes for the Redemption. The thing is though that it is still great tempo and it is part of what makes MC so powerful as a t6 play. With the deck as is, MC’s battlecry is basically, at worst “Negate the next attack your opponent makes and deal 2 damage to that target. Summon a 2/1 minion” Not leaving behind the 2/1 isn’t awful honestly, and it trims an extra card out of your deck, which makes your draws more efficient.
Redemption and Barnes are pretty valuable with the divine shield minions. I can see an argument for cutting Barnes, for sure. There are many solid cards that he could become (1x Aldor Peacekeeper, 1x Steward of Darkshire, 1x Silvermoon Portal, 1x Defender of Argus, etc). I would definitely not recommend cutting the Redemption though, as the value you can gain off of getting back a divine shield minion, or tirion, is very high. If you ran Defender of Argus then you could more clearly dictate which minion you could get back honestly.
The deck, at it’s core, it all about high value plays, and MC is one of the highest value. While turning a “Get Down!” into and “I Live!” is not the highest value outcome, it is still a high value outcome compared to not having the 2/1 live. The deck needs minions to buff and attack with.
SpaceMonkey's Secret Paladin Deck List Guide (August 2016, Season 29)
Thanks Bobby! Glad it’s working out!
SpaceMonkey's Secret Paladin Deck List Guide (August 2016, Season 29)
Thanks! Hope it keeps working out for you 🙂
Kranich's Control Warrior w/Soggoth the Slitherer - Rank 9 Legend (August 2016, Season 29)
I’m confused by the Tinkmaster.
The good news is that after 50 games with this version the winrate is 70% overall. Sadly the winrate against Shaman is 30%. So it basically crushes the entire field except for Shaman, and then against Shaman it is just about as futile as every other deck right now. So there you go.