SoftWareWolf's Comments
Secret Mage - GundamFlame - Darkmoon Faire
Spellbender is really niche and not good to put into decks at the moment, unless you vs 100% paladins in which it can steal librams.
Big Spell Mage - Saviors of Uldum - #1 Legend (Disdai)
This deck consists of the two most important qualities that when combined creates a perfect hearthstone deck, and those two qualities are fun AND optimal. Given that fun is that oh-so-exciting randomness and huge spells, and optimized means the deck has synergy, then I would “personally” conclude that this is one of the best decks right now. My variation, is to swap the Arcane Keysmith, and the Naga Sand Witch for Jepetto Joybuzz, and Archmage Antonidus – this variation is counter meta to all the huge taunt value decks trying to counter the zoo of reborn cards that players have been making.
Odd Mage - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - Top 50 Legend
Also found swapping 1 Blackwald Pixie with a Zola too be good, as this 3 mana card is basically a late game 7 mana card if used efficiently with your hero power.
Odd Mage - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - Top 50 Legend
Just built it and tested this new years eve. Mulligan for Project 9, and Kirin Tor Mage and your 1-drop Secretkeeper since your chance to draw a secret is high. It is a viable contender of a deck plus players aren’t familiar with it in the current meta, however I found it to be a struggle versing spell hunter… which is troubling considering we play Huntstone right now, and most hunter decks render Explosive, Spellbinder, Mirror, and Frozen Clone traps nearly useless until late game when Rexar shows up with Zombeasts. Possible card swaps is a Zola for whichever secret you find less effective while playing. A fun, different deck none-the-less, but just be sure to avoid the spell-huntards, and have a good time!
72 Likes, because Thijs popularity? INB4 Hater, but….
It’s fun, because it has a few random smirk-face win potentials, and a crap load of legends, but good luck winning without drawing From The Depths in first few turns, and getting smoked by most aggro decks, because you can’t keep tempo with them. You can hardly even beat the warlocks, because your hand will get too big and they will burn you, and Two Forged In Flames is pretty much dead hand.
Please spend all your money and dust making thijs deck.