SmooveAsButta2's Comments
Frightened Flunky
Can you please explain to me on how taunt minions are going to provide any value in late game? Pure stats don’t matter in the late game and handbuffing has been proven to be too slow and doesn’t result in enough value. Also, all warrior taunts are pretty garbage so why would the current rendition of control/bomb warrior have any desire to run this or any taunt card. Also, why would they just copy the same quest warrior had from Ungoro, just because there is taunt doesn’t mean the quest is taunt related, look at paladin quest, nothing to do with one health minions.
Expired Merchant
The quality of the cards doesn’t have to be amazing as typically, around half of them would cost 0 because of the quest, making a lot of these cards a lot better than normal. Again, it could be way too slow and is meta dependent but could be a really fun deck to play/try.
Expired Merchant
I do agree with that but the elek combo seems even slower but could be run along side this, I played around with a rough draft of a deck list that was a plot twist with quest/alysiana and it looks like it has potential. The reason I think this card duplicating your alysiana is better than the elek is because playing plot twist like that makes it a dead card until those pieces are drawn and it can already be so powerful in other ways with like Betrug or Dorian. I’m not disagreeing with you but I do believe this card has potential, not meta defining but could really be impactful in some matchups.
Expired Merchant
Has anyone thought of the applications this could have with Archivist Elysiana??? This allows you to get a second and even third copy of her which paired with the new quest, an extra 20-30 cards with some of them costing 0 sounds like insane value to me in a control matchup. Warlock would just need a way to heal and stay alive versus bomb warrior and aggro. Thoughts???
Rastakhan Even Shaman
Not enough overload cards to justify thunderhead and forgot to add Glenn, accidental added a second argent commander, thanks!
Weapons Project
Disagree, giving yourself a weapon against Aggro is much better than giving Aggro a weapon, especially as a control warrior, plus the armor advantage is much better in warrior than say, ZooLock
Personally, I think this ain’t that bad a card, I’d put this as a one of in Token Shaman just for the pure power of having more guys, not as bad you might think
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Have you considered adding Skelemancer to the deck? Seems like the perfect fit and I’ve had good success with it as it punishes the opponent for clearing the board making tough decisions for your opponent. Let me know your thoughts
Check out my account for some theory crafted decks and let me know what you think! thanks!