Smilodex's Comments
GetMeowth's Legend N'Zoth Big Spell Mage - S52 (July 2018)
In my opinion this deck goes even with Reno Mage, your deck has 2 tools of everything what Reno Mage has. 2x Polymorphs vs. Big Priest and Renolock., 2x Dirty Rats & Deathlordsvs Combo decks is just bonkers! You have more threats than Reno Mage [2x waves to finish this game (N’Zoth & Alanna)].
The only thing why this deck is a bit worse than Reno Mage, is the healing factor, but in everything else this deck is better in my opinion. What’s you point playing Big Spell Mage without N’Zoth in wild? Sludge Belcher and Deathlord are bonkers!
Majordomo Executus RenoQuestPriest - S51 (June 2018)
At first: Quest Priest is not a good deck to ladder in wild. It’s slow, inconsistent and has a lot of bad matchups and at the moment, the ladder is full of Rogues who always crush.
BUT when you really want to play Quest Priest I would recommend you the non Reno-list:
Kripp’s OTK version wasn’t that bad last season but like I said, in my opinion at the current meta state this deck isn’t strong enough. Good Wild Priest decks: Midrange Dragon Priest, Inner Fire Combo (Dragon) Priest, Razakus Highlander Priest or the strongest but dumbest Big Priest.
Majordomo Executus RenoQuestPriest - S51 (June 2018)
yeah that’s right, but you can use Amara the turn afterwards!?
I’ve played enough games in which Majordomo is more than a turn alive, then you kill him and play amara.
Control's Legend Grim Patron Warrior - S51 - Wild [updated list]
Why not? This deck has enough other draw, but you can cut Spellbreaker for another Garrison Commander.
Thijs Reno Shudder-C'Thun Shaman - S52 (July 2018)
You don’t need Doomcaller if you have Shudderwock, because you already generate infinite C’Thuns.
The only cards to consider are Zola the Gorgon or Baleful Banker to guarantee getting Shudderwock.
Tess Burgle Rogue - S51 (June2018)
Elven Minstrel, Dark Iron Skulker or Vilespine Slayer
Midrange Hunter
With this is a very effective #1 Legend Recruit Hunter list:
just cut King Krush and play Sylvanas. or cut Loatheb (if you don’t have him) for Sylvanas and instead of King Krush you can play Charged Devilsaur ๐
Legend Wild N'Zoth Big Spell Mage - S51 (June 2018)
Skulking Geist, Lich King, Medivh, another Deathlord/Dirty Rat or just play this list:
I figured out, that this is the best working list in wild ๐
How to Beat the Lich King - With Big Warrior (first try)
this deck was really strong before Naga Sea Witch got nerfed from 5 mana to 8. Before the nerf, Naga Sea Witch was incredible strong because it was possible to flood your board on turn 5 with 8/8 giants…
I think the deck isn’t viable without the Sea Witches.
But if I would sub cards I would play 2x Gather your Party and Woecleaver instead of the Witches and 1x Molten Giant.
Try out my Reno Big Warrior Variant because this deck here is really focused on the Sea Witch/Giant combo
Dean's #1 Legend Renolock - S51 (June2018)
Hm, Mal’Ganis isa key card and very important.
But Play Mountain Giant, Sylvana’s Windrunner or any other solid big drop like Lich King, Ragnaros or Dr. Boom.
Wild Patron Warrior
I play a similiar list, but I made some very good changes to fit the meta:
Since a lot of the Paladins left the ladder, I can recommend to cut atleast one Unstable Ghoul for an Execute and one Militia Commander for Spellbreaker or another Execute, because the ladder is full of big creatures (Even Shaman, Big Priest, Renolock, Jades, Odd Rogue etc.)
Random Warrior
Super random deck but whats the point of playing a singleton deck without Reno?
Wild Odd Rogue
In this deck are 10 other pirate cards… there are enough pirates and there are only 2 cards wich have a synergy with pirates (Shady Dealer and Southsea Deckhand).
Nightmare Amalgan is just a vanilla 3/4 (which is kind of bad in wild). For me this card is only good if you play the additional murloc package to have another benefit of all the creature types. I can highly recommend Vicious Fledgling (has soft taunt and if your opponent didn’t have a removal, the card snowballs like hell) or Fungalmancer (always in the top 5 cards for odd rogue on hsreplay [played/drawn winrate]) .
But that’s just my opinion => No offense
Wild Renolock
There are lists with him. It’s a solid card but most people have more value based control decks, instead of demon based.
Wild Odd Rogue
Why would you ever play Nightmare Amalgam? There are so much better cards: Fungalmancer, Dr. Boom, Cobalt Scalebane, Deadly Poisen, Owl or if you face a lot of paladins: Fan of Knives
Big Rogue 3.0 ft. Dollmaster - S51 (June 2018)
Anub’arak is a really good replacement for Sneeds, but Face Collector and Unearthed Raptor aren’t good replacements…
I can recommend Baron Rivendare, Piloted Shredder, Sludge Belcher, Plated Beetle, Mistress of Mixtures, Shadowblade or lesser Onyx Spellstone.
You want cards with an impact on the board if you hit them with Barnes or Dollmaster Dorian. You want as less non deathrattle cards as possible in this deck.
Highlander Priest Deck List Guide - Kobolds - February 2018
Please Update this deck guide for the new wild season:
-1x Golakka Crawler
-1x Kabal Talon Priest
-1x Curious Glimmeroot
-1x Prophet Velen
-1x Gadgetzan Auctioneer
+1x Emperor Thaurissan
+1x Excarvated Evil / Shadow Word: Horror
+1x Lightbomb
+1x Spawn of Shadows
+1x Azure Drake
Deadly Arsenal with Bladed Gauntlet and Blood Razor in deck?
That’s pretty bad man… 6 mana do 0-2 damage…
I can’t recommend that… vs Even Shaman it’s a 50/50. If you would die without playing Deathlord, then play him. If there is any other way, go this way. If Deathlord pulls a 7/7 8/8 you’re in big trouble!
If you have a Freeze, Meteor, Poly or Doll then play him.
If you play vs Even Shaman hold Sludge Belcher in your start hand.
If you face a lot of Even Shaman, cut 1 Deathlord and 1 Dirty Rat for 2x Stonehill Defender and cut Sylvanas for Rotten Applebaum and Medivh for Baron Gheddon.