SLima's Comments
(Last Chance) Mega Wild Bundle - 56 Packs from 7 Latest Wild Expansions for $34.99 / €34.99 - Available Until September 14
I already took a look into the current recipes and they are mostly bad. Some of them are extremely outdated as well (stuff from Descent of Dragons). Also, playing only with standard decks in Wild isn’t particularly interesting to me so i don’t really see a point in keeping him even if he has a very small chance of coming back to standard someday.
(Last Chance) Mega Wild Bundle - 56 Packs from 7 Latest Wild Expansions for $34.99 / €34.99 - Available Until September 14
I got golden Whizbang… Probably gonna dust it. I wish they didn’t just remove from standard as it doesn’t make any sense in Wild. Feels bad…
Last Chance to Disenchant Mindrender Illucia for Full Dust Amount (September 1)
Oh no… I should have dusted her but i forgot… This card is usually so bad. She is useful against combo decks but those are really rare and you still need to identify your opponent and draw her in time. It’s so luck based… And against anything else she is just garbage. Don’t play her against anyone thinking that you might gain an advantage by wasting a few of their cards. She eats 3 mana and you are left without much to work with. Your opponent, however, has access to all their mana and they get to see your next draw. If it’s one of your key cards then you just lose the game. She has not been useful to me in any way and i ended up stuck with her now…
Budget Tempo Priest Deck List & Guide (Scholomance Academy)
You are right for the most part. However, the deck has plenty of good minions to buff. The issue is sticking them to the board. Most of the buff spells cost 3 or more which makes playing a minion and buff simultaneously quite expensive. And if you lose the minion then you are screwed. That’s also the reason why Voracious Reader isn’t really all that helpful. Sometimes you draw a bunch of buff spells and your hand gets clogged with a bunch of stuff you can’t play and that makes Reader really awkward from time to time. I just got Disciplinarian Gandling from the Felosofy bundle so i’m gonna try to build the deck around him (with cards like Serpent Egg and Loot Hoarder) and see how it goes but i don’t have much hope for this archetype.
Well, now DH is not only the king of card draw but he also controls your hand as well. And you can’t do anything about it! Fair and fun, right?! Absolute cancerous garbage.
Scholomance Academy Card Review #1 - Devolving Missiles, Lightning Bloom, Rattlegore, Shan'do Wildwalker, Troublemaker and more!
Natural Selection might be too slow in standard but i like it in wild Spiteful Druid. I was running the deck with The Forest’s Aid (alongside Ultimate Infestation) but it didn’t feel good even with Goru the Mightree. This card can easily replace it and improve the consistency of the deck. Now, i have four 10 mana spells and always a solid chance of getting those big 10 drops from Spiteful.
17.6 Balance Update - Nerfs to Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, Corsair Cache, Metamorphosis, Kayn, Warglaives, Dragoncaster, Fungal Forntunes and Rogue's Galakrond
The nerfs are mostly fair. However, DQ Alex may actually be unplayable after this change. I played her many times since the card was released. She was very powerful but quite slow initially which was fine considering the meta was much slower at that time. After DH was released and the meta became focused on hyper aggression, her flaws became more apparent.
The only thing that DQ Alex has going for herself is the swing potential. The ability to turn the tides in your favor pretty much instantly. That’s not healthy and that’s why she’s getting nerfed (again). Now, look at Zephrys. He is a versatile card that can be used in many different ways and that makes building a deck around him worthwhile. But that’s not the case for Alex. She is a rigid card that only offers a single powerful swing turn that can win the game or whiff hard and be a complete letdown. When you are behind, she can create a miracle and change the course of the game. But that’s the exception and not the rule. I have lost countless games trying to use her to recover from a bad position. There are too many dragons and the vast majority of them can’t save you in a losing situation.
With this change her swing potential (the only worthwhile thing about her) is so much worse that she may just be a really bad card for your deck. You can only play one dragon alongside her and only one turn later. That’s a gigantic difference in power when compared to her current state. If she whiffs, you may just instantly lose the game now. And even if you get some good dragons, that’s probably not enough to save you anymore. So, you can only play her when you are ahead. That makes her a pure win more card. If the meta doesn’t slow down then she may be just too clunky to be played in any deck. Only the greediest and most defensive highlander decks can play her and even those may have less clunky options available. I may be exaggerating but i think she is just going to be awful and unplayable after the next patch.
Nerfed Four Times, Still the Best Deck in the Game - What Is Going on With Demon Hunter?
Alright, extreme salt post ahead.
I don’t like the extreme RNG of things like Puzzle Box but making every class play like Demon Hunter with almost no RNG is going to make everything way too boring and predictable. I hate to play against DH because they always play the exact same way. Every game is a copycat of the previous match. It’s so boring and annoying. And even if i know exactly what they are going to do, it still doesn’t matter because of their overpowered cards.
I have to totally disagree with the notion that DH is fair. It’s not. And that’s just because of two cards. Kayn Sunfury and Altruis are the most obscenely overpowered cards in the game. There shouldn’t be a card that can devastate a board and the player at the same time no matter the amount of setup required. It swings the game in such a hard way that it’s almost always a guaranteed defeat after a big Altruis turn even if you were at full health. I still remember the game that i lost in one turn from full health because of Altruis. I lost a board with an 8/8 and a 4/12 and took 22 damage. I went from a winning position to complete defeat after that. That was totally demoralizing. I started just despising DH after that.
Kayn being able to ignore taunts is just rubbing salt in the wound. Taunt is a defensive mechanic of the game whose purpose is to prevent extreme aggression (in particular from charge minions) and provide another way for a slower deck to stabilize. It’s a companion to removals. It can be bypassed using silence which is a situational tech effect. But a charge minion that doesn’t just ignore taunts but also makes everything else ignore taunts is simply absurd. Classes without reliable sources of health gain simply can’t do anything about it. And even with a ton of healing they can still kill you through Altruis and their many other sources of damage.
In the end, i already gave up on standard. I simply can’t stand it anymore. I moved to wild where i face a huge amount of priests, warlocks and mages. But i barely see any DHs and the better tools available in wild makes them not a big deal so far. I faced only 5 of them the whole month while in the previous month in standard i probably played against more than 100 of them. I also started playing Battlegrounds a lot more because the ranked meta has become way too stale (in both formats). I’ll just wait for the next expansion.
Taking Stock of the Year of the Raven – The Impact of Rastakhan’s Rumble Keywords
But that’s exactly the point. The card was designed for hero power mage but they made it two mana which just didn’t make any sense. Thus the card was dead even before its arrival.
Celestalon Comments on Zephrys vs Necrium Apothecary Interaction - Why Doesn't He Offer Silence?
I play with this card a lot and it really piss me off sometimes. There were several cases where i desperately needed some sort of removal whose cost was out of the total mana available and, because of that, he didn’t offer it to me. One example was when i played against a Rogue who equipped and attacked with Necrium Blade to set up for next turn. On my following turn i was at 5 mana and i had no way of using 1 mana to get him to give me an Ooze. Since i had no choice, i tried it anyway and he just offered me a bunch of useless 3 mana cards and i ended up screwed. Zephrys always chooses whatever card he feels convenient from his perspective and that makes full use of the mana available. That’s why the wording “Perfect card” on his text really annoys me. It’s really hard to program something to be truly perfect and that’s fine. But i can’t help but dislike his occasional unreliability.
My main concern is with the fact that warrior hero power does just this one thing: stack armor. And this card effortlessly deals with that. The warrior hero power is already the worst in the game. Now, all the mana and time spent accumulating health to tank those big late game attackers will be gone in the blink of an eye. By one single neutral common card. It will feel awful every single time it happens. Wasn’t warrior supposed to be the tank class? Yes, warrior can regain armor after losing it but that will take mana, time and many cards. Will you even survive after they destroy your armor? Combo decks can just do as they please with you now. It’s a good thing that warrior will have some alternate hero powers (quest and Galakrond) because otherwise warrior wouldn’t have a hero power for more than a year.
A little bit too late but better late than never, i suppose. The main purpose of this card is to shut down decks that rely too much on stalling and gaining armor which leads to long and frustrating games. Right now, this card only affects one deck meaningfully: Control Warrior. Unless Control Warrior reaches tier 1 status, this won’t see much play.
The main problem with it is how Warrior was designed around armor as a class. The Warrior hero power does nothing other than give a little bit of armor. It doesn’t impact the board in any way and it doesn’t progress you towards winning the game (like Hunter). To compensate for this, they created armor synergy cards for the class. Cards that take that number (armor amount) and do X thing with it. This new tech card is capable of nullifying completely the hero power and all its synergy cards instantly. Warrior doesn’t just lose X amount of health. They lose the ability to use many of its class specific cards that are meant to compensate for the weak hero power. That’s really bad. Whether or not this kills the class, it certainly targets and hurts it much, much more than any other class in the game. That’s not a really fair thing, i’d say.
This is a really interesting card. The fact that it keeps its cost at 5 mana means you could get some really greedy high cost legendarys with a big discount. That’s pretty cool but this is still an unreliable RNG card that may be too slow even for the greediest Shaman decks. I’m getting Chameleos vibes from this.
Crazed Netherwing
This is a lot stronger than Duskbreaker but Warlock is going to need some serious dragon support for this to work. But i’m happy they are not ignoring slower warlock decks. I was disappointed with the fact that Warlock’s Galakrond is just another Zoo card but there’s hope for Control Warlock now.
Nether Breath
We are finally getting a combined heal/removal spell for Warlocks. It requires building around dragons but i still think this is very good and it could bring back Control Warlock.
Clear the Way
The sidequest is easy enough to complete and it gives a decent reward. It’s better than Toxic Reinforcements.
Secure the Deck
Gonk memes? Nah! This will fit nicely in Hand Druid which still has support cards available and i think this could be the correct direction for Dragon Druid.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
Nice Reload + Buff + Weapon (potentially) + Extra Finishing Power for Tempo Warrior. Seems perfect for that deck and it’s nice to see a different archetype receiving support instead of Control Warrior. This isn’t unplayable in Control Warrior but Dr. Boom is just better and, when he rotates out, i think the quest will be a better win condition.
This is a really weird card. A slow token generator without a tribal tag for extra support. A board full of 1/1s isn’t a big deal by the point this card can be played. Ankward stats as well. Doesn’t seem to fit in any type of deck at the moment and token decks don’t want to drag the game for too long. I’m on defense with this card. It looks really bad but maybe there are some other cards to support it on this set.
Why are you only posting the lists? There were descriptions and small analysis or thoughts on the decks before. It was interesting to read.