Sleepy's Comments
Flobbidinious Togwaggle Druid
Basically, you play through the whole deck until you get togwaggle, azalina soultheif, and floop in hand. Then you play tog and floop becomes 4 mana tog. If they have enough mana they will swap back the decks because of the ransom. Then you floop and innervate soultheif, putting ransom in your hand. If they try and swap again you can use your copy of ransom and keep their deck forever.
Snowfury Spellstone Shaman
Thanks :). I love reveal season, theorycrafting is imo the best part of this game haha.
Cubelock Post Witchwood
Mortal Coil or a 3 Drop taunt, stone hill or Tar Creeper. Your mirror/druid matches will be worse but your aggro matches will get better and day 2 of expansion means aggro is popular.
This version is something i want to test. With the inclusion of floop you dont actually need to use weapon to togwaggle/azalina on the same turn because floop is a 4 mana tog. It might be worth running both weapon and floop but that remains to be seen imo. Both versions are worth testing out.