SlapLaB's Comments
What happens to the decks that use Hall of Fame 2019 cards?
“The players hurt the most will be the ones who invested in Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk” – arg, yes! Maybe they will print some kind of replacement, otherwise I see mage struggling against the likes of Hagatha/Boom/Zul’jin…
Ultimate Hearthstone 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) Standard Rotation Schedule & Guide - Which Sets Rotate Out, Hall of Fame, How To Maximize Your Dust Gain
Awesome guide thanks!
One common case not covered though: what if you have only one of a set in non-golden (or golden)?
How good are the nerfed decks? Even Shaman, Odd Rogue and more in the post-nerfs meta
I play Even paladin without equality (similar to the deck #1 above), and I agree, I’m tempted to go back to the Equality version. I miss pyromancer too, sometimes I used to play it with a secret just to get rid of some 1-health minions or divine shields.
Standout Rastakhan's Rumble Post 2nd Nerf Decks - A Week Later (13 Deck Lists)
For glass knight – a 2nd Harpy… windfury on Corpsetaker is just too good + it’s not a bad minion on its own in this deck
My Silverback Patriarch and Other Animals: Hearthstone’s Functionally Useless Cards
Actually someone played the beast within against me recently and it was a pretty neat turn for him, as he killed two of my minions with one of his. Not game breaking or anything but not completely useless either.
What's Mage Losing in the 2019 Standard Hearthstone Rotation?
What worries me is that after rotation there will be 2 classes with a near-infinite value DK (warrior and shaman) + one with an overwhelming tempo ability (hunter). How will the others like mage cope if they don’t print new DKs or similar cards?
Wild Card Pack Bundle Available, Wild Open Qualifiers, January Tavern Brawls Will Be Wild
Actually buying these packs for the dust is a good idea 🙂
But for the record, how do the Wild monthly rewards actually work? If you play Standard + Wild do you get double rewards each month?
Standout Post-Nerf Rastakhan's Rumble Decks - A Week Later (14 Deck Lists)
No Mage? (Big / Odd)
Rastakhan Post Nerf Aggro Paladin - Top 250 Legend (SkyWalker)
This deck must be a joke…
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Deathrattle Rogue (BoarControl)
For a deathrattle deck, not many juicy deathrattle in this one… Is the goal to combo on the Whelp?
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Keleseth Big Spell Mage - Top 100 (VisLaud)
Budget version, anyone? 🙂
Were the Lackluster Cards from Year of the Raven A Necessity?
It’s true the old DKs cause a lot of problems in terms of power level, but most of them are also much fun to play with! (I’m looking at you, Rexxar…)
And I was also thinking that at some point they should bite the bullet and make a HS v2.0. It can’t go on forever, and by being a digital game they don’t have so much constraints as a physical game (with players having a large physical collection which would become obsolete), e.g they could just offer dust in the new game.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
But don’t you think that 4/6 + taunt (ok 2/3 x2 which is not quite the same but still) for 4 isn’t fair enough?
I think it’ll still be played – not to the same OTT level, but it will.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
Good – as much as I hate those 4 decks, I think the nerfs are quite balanced… you should still be able to play them ok-ish (apart maybe from odd pally).
Remember Corridor Creeper? Everyone said it would be totally unplayable after the nerf…
But overall these nerfs should have more impact on the meta than the last 2 expansions combined! (Which is good)
Rumble Run Best Shrines and Strategies
Is it me or is it much more difficult than Monster Hunt/Dungeon Run?
Some of the bosses have ridiculous combos, like halacrass smacked me with 2 ice blocks in a row, then Reno… or Zentimo played ancestral recall on his x3 Battlecries shrine, so he ended up with 2…then among other things he created 4 jade golems in one go!!!
Rastakhan’s Rumble Elemental Mage: The Past and Future of the Archetype
Looking forward to play this! My favourite from the new expansion I think
The Best Neutral Hearthstone Epics - Which Neutral Epics Were Strongest?
If I had to pick only one I’d say Cube… thanks to the surprise the first (and painful) time you realise it’s actually a good card in Warlock… and then you have another surprise when you realise that it’s also good in Hunter…
Murloc Mage Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - November 2018
7) it’s a great deck for trolling… I wish I could see my opponent’s face when they take 20 dmg turn 4 and die
Thanks for the leg work – but it proves, as suspected, that it is almost completely useless!