skysolstice's Comments
Hearthstone's Best Hero Class Tier List (Boomsday Project) - The Current Best Standard Classes in Hearthstone 2018
When i saw Rouge Decks i saw Thijs and his sick plays, i want to see him live and watch him compete on WCG event.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (March 2025)
Thank you for this. I hope you’ll never get tired giving tips about newbies. Btw i’m really hype about WCG for making Hearthstone as their official game titles, i can’t wait for it to start to learn some techniques.
Hearthstone Wild Meta Decks Tier List - Scholomance Academy Update
Is it just me or some of this decks are imbalanced? I wonder if they will implement combination of cards like this on World Cyber Games.
Hearthstone Arena Tier List: Best Arena Classes and Strategies (Festival of Legends + Audiopocalypse, June 2023)
Does any of you guys participating the upcoming WCG event? If yes, from what region are you?
Malygos Druid - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #24 Legend (Felzak)
Why did they nerfed it? I hope to see this cards on WCG (World Cyber Games)
Got hyped by the upcoming WCG event so i checked this decks and it is indeed best decks. i’m gonna be surprised if i saw one of this deck builds on World Cyber Games.