SkyferTSD's Comments
Enchanted Raven 2.0 essentially, with the added bonus of emergency taunt vs the likes of Hunters, Zoolocks and Token Druid Mirrors. Really this card is going to be as relevant as Token druid in general is which, unfortunately, still might make it underplayed as token druid has fallen out of favor as of late. Still a strong card regardless, 4/5 stars.
At first glance, this card and Quest druid seem like a match made in card game heaven. Oasis Surger (6 mana 2x 7/7’s with Rush), Anubisath Defender (0 mana 5/7 with Taunt), ; hell, even cards like Crystal Merchant (3 mana 3/6) could benefit from this card in terms of just shear value and mid-late game tempo. But when you step back and realize that those minions I just listed are kinda of the only valid minions Quest runs well outside of their wincon / occasional Zephrys, well… the idea starts to fall apart a little.
That’s not to say that Embiggen ISN’T going to work, the opposite in fact. What it means is that Embiggen alone might end up warping quest AWAY from the more controlly late-game OTK / Nomi builds we’ve been seeing and more towards a “Big Buff Stuff – Value/Tempo” type of play style. This ESPECIALLY seems the case when you consider all of the new dragons coming out along side “Wilder Growth: Dragon Edition” and Frizz, whose Battlecry alone can “undo” Embiggens entire downside in one fell swoop.
One final stray thought that crosses my mind with Embiggen is just how it works with the oft forgotten “Juicy Psychemelon”. We’ve seen from Barnabus in the past that cost alterations to the deck in Druid do seem to be considered when referenced for other effects (namely recruiting). This means that you can almost shift your targeted draws with Psychemelon by chaining it before or after you play it. Not a major consideration mind you, but an interesting one that could make the second Psychemelon actually a useful draw card in the late game.