Shurchil's Comments
Scholar Jaina & Horseman Uther Will Get Unique Voice Lines In a Future Patch
I didnt buy the Jaina bundle because of the missing voice lines.
Now I cant get it anymore. Good job Blizz.
Back to Legends of Runterra.
Tian Ding Shares Data About Battlegrounds Parties - How Much Are You Gaining By Group Queueing?
I am still really confused when people use the term “skilled player” when talking about BGs.
How skilled can a player be in an pure luck based environment?
18.0.2 Balance Update - Nerfs to Kael'thas and Mindrender Illucia, Many Battlegrounds Changes (Megasaur & Cannon Removed) - OUT NOW!
Uhm…that’s it?
Will We Have a Balance Update Soon? And Which Cards Are Most Likely to Get Nerfed?
“Truesilver Champion is already a playable card” – card hasnt seen play in 2 years. Man you must play SUCH A DIFFERENT GAME really.
Will We Have a Balance Update Soon? And Which Cards Are Most Likely to Get Nerfed?
In german there is a saying: “Ich kann gar nicht so viel essen, wie ich kotzen muss.”
Freely translated it means “I can’t eat as much as I want to puke”
Paladin viable after almost a year of mediocrity and everyone is crying for a nerf already. I am so sick of people really.
Also: I am not even a druid player but those demanded nerf are overkill.
Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland - Week 12 - June 2020
Me with the start of the expansion: “Priest dominates and really isnt fun to play against.”
Everyone on HSTD: “Dude shut up you low tier bronze player have no clue what you are talking priest isnt that strong.”
The meta now: Every 2nd game against priest, they always pull the same sh*t out and win with basically the same cards on the same turn with the same combination.
Told you.
17.4.2 Server Hotfix - Felfire Festival Quest & Battlegrounds Bug Fixes
I will not play the Solo Adventure again. It was a torture the first time already (I hate solo adventures). What a poor move not the give the reward to people who finished everything already.
Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland - Week 11 - June 2020
Best deck for me at the moment is Libram Dragon Pala. Its an off-meta deck for sure but I have made really good progress (~60% winrate) in the current meta. Maybe you guys start zu rethink decks, classes and cards. I teched a bit against rezz priest (f*ck priests) and I am doing just fine.
Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland - Week 11 - June 2020
“current meta isn’t terribly imbalanced”
Overtuned Priest and Rogue laughing hard here.
17.2.1 Balance Update Coming May 18 - 8 Card Nerfs (Priestess of Fury, Hanar, Bloodboil Brute) + 4 Buffs (Shaman & Paladin)
Buffs are not enough. Nerfs are okay but not enough either.
Hunter nerf wasnt needed. Priest nerfs are missing.
Overall a joke of a balance patch.
Patch 17.2 Coming Tomorrow - 3 Battlegrounds Heroes, One Minions, Deck Ordering Feature (Update: OUT NOW!)
No one cares about BGs seriously.
Patch the real game pls. Thanks.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Surprised by some card and even some comments on the cards.
Example: Warlock build dont run Hellfire? Do we play different games?
Also I see some cards being played frequently and the people utilizing them quiet well…
I appreciate your effort of this guide.
But I dont know if I have such a different view on the game…
Also: would really love to see a wild legendary DE guide. I have some stuff to DE…
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Question: I am a Wild Player from time to time.
I have a golden copy of Stormbringer. Should I DE it? I consider it to craft a current Legendary.
I am not a budget player but I dont buy packs with money either.
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
Question: I am a Wild Player from time to time.
I have a golden copy of Stormbringer. Should I DE it? I consider it to craft a current Legendary.
I am not a budget player but I dont buy packs with money either.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
I have a question: does Flik clear the death pool of rezz as well? Or is it pure “kill” of existing minions?
Egg Warrior - #1 Legend (Gaby) - Ashes of Outland
I just cant imagine how this is going to be strong.
I get the combo and all but Teron is vurnable to silence, hex and anything.
Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland - Week 2 - April 2020
Guess there is a new hunter in town. The Demon Hunter…hohoho…
Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland - Week 2 - April 2020
Not a single hunter deck. Really?