Sh3nTop's Comments
Feno's #2 Legend Hybrid Hunter (September 2017)
He is one of the best players i know but hydra is the main reason i lose until now if i dont draw it on curve.. Sorry feno ill keep Rexxar and Tracking
Updated: Asmodai's #1 Legend Hybrid Hunter (September 2017, Season 42)
Asmodai is a beast tho and he thinks different than the ”casual” hs player when he plays
Zetalot's Control Priest - Top 20 Legend (September 2017, Season 42)
I like this type of concede decks but against lets say quest warrior or almost every mage is nothing.. i try something like this myself some days ago at rank 4 and i go back to 5 within an hour and i have over 1k games with priest i really like it a lot as class.. well i guess ill try it again after hit legend tho
Leeching Poison
I agree with everything that you have said but i was talking about the current meta miracle. I remember these days too
Leeching Poison
So miracle for you is not good enough to climb ?… oil was kinda better imo but still miracle is a thing
Mage's Un'Goro Jade Druid - #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
bro u should do something really wrong if u lose from quest warriors with this list.. like for real… any jade druid wins against warriors.. dont get it wrong but u have to look again how the match up goes
Stone Sentinel
The fact that you have to hold an elemental on hand to combo this card on the NEXT TURN make me not so happy about this great idea :/ whats your opinion about this guys ? am i wrong ?
Hearthstone Deck Comparison's Tool
Best site for hearthstone players imo ! Keep the good work my friend the improvement the last two years (almost ?) here is huge !
Update: SuperJJ's Season 22 Malygos Rogue
Aren’t x2 Gadgetzan too many ? I usually end up having the second one in my hand and not finding an opportunity to play him :/
Where is my Marine The Fox ?? Its 6 of November :O