Set's Comments
Tips for Getting Legend Rank for the First Time
Btw, can smb reccomend me good tracker for tablet (android) please? Arcane doesnt work anymore :/
Machamp's Un'Goro Midrange Murloc Paladin - #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
I dont run him either…. its absolutly playable without him. My replacement is second ivory knight and its pretty cool
Machamp's Un'Goro Midrange Murloc Paladin - #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
U dont wanna put your murlocks right on the battefield, most of them has battlecry…
Quest Rogue Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Burgler IS core for this deck. Right now, most problematic deck for you is pirate warrior. Bouncing burgler agains warrior give you taunts lots of times… and taunt or two mean “gg war, better luck next time”
Abar's Un'Goro Legend Freeze Mage (April 2017, Season 37)
Yup, like guys say, its nuts against control and combo – vancleef, finishers etc etc… also, against aggro u have pretty early big taunt for prize one more small minion. Great deal in both ways, when u use it right
Hearthstone Journey to Un'Goro Deck Lists - Pro & Streamers
Yeah, its actually pretty sad. I mean – new set is here, new cards and mechanics… so, who choose stick with this boring no-brain insteed trying new things, im sorry but these peeps r just idiots.
Hearthstone Journey to Un'Goro Deck Lists - Pro & Streamers
Thanks, hate this waiting ?
Hearthstone Journey to Un'Goro Deck Lists - Pro & Streamers
Anybody, some info when europe realese will happen?
Soooo true. Thats partly why i stopped play magic and focus on hearthstone. U can say whatever u want, but Blizzard simply cares about players.