SDhn2a's Comments
Dark Arakkoa
Great card- very potent versus aggro with a good statline, and a solid late-game effect.
Princess Huhuran
Finally! Love for deathrattle hunters! Basically, if it triggers anything at all (aside from Zombie Chow and the like) it gets value.
Also, the art is wonderful.
Just made a deck based around the Brann/Shadowcaster synergy, though I didn’t include Malygos:
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
What happens if you manage to play Lock and Load before Yogg-Saron (through Emperor)? Or if Yogg-Saron plays Lock and Load?
I’m guessing nothing, since it says ‘whenever YOU cast a spell’, but it would be good to have this confirmed.
Faceless Summoner
Welp. Arena mage is now even more OP. If mage was a more minion-focused class, this card would probably be an auto-include in constructed… Even without the staying power of Dr. 4, the tempo this brings is near-impossible to top.
Master of Evolution
Currently this is THE highest rated card of the expansion, with the most votes of any card released so far; it is highly unlikely that you’re more excited than everyone else.
That said, I fully agree that this is an incredible card, and I’m happy to see Shaman getting some powerful options that have neither Overload nor obvious Aggro implications. And as several have noted before me, the TFB synergy is awesome. Brann + TFB + this = possible Tirion on turn 4.
Call of the Wild
Don’t worry; I can do math- Generally, if you evaluate the power of a given card, it should be ‘worth’ 1 more than you pay (hence why wisp doesn’t actually have infinite value). So 3 cards with an effective mana cost of 4, i.e. a ‘value’ of 5 gives a total value of 15; but if the value is 15, then by the same rule, the cost should be 14.
To demonstrate in actual cards, since Arcane Shot is 1 mana for 2 damage, and Quick Shot is 2 mana, it seems most reasonable that Quick Shot would be 4 damage, 8 damage for Fireball, and so on. However, if we instead look at the value of each card (1+mana cost), we get AS is a value of 2 for 2 damage, QS, is 3 value and 3 damage, and Fireball is 5 value with 6 damage; hence why Fireball is considered slightly OP.
Or look at Arcane Intellect (4 value, 2 cards) vs. Sprint (8 value, 4 cards), or Earth Shock (2 value) = Silence (1 value) + Moonfire (1 value).
Unrelated note; for the same reason, Ball of Spiders should cost 5 mana, Arcane Explosion should cost 1, Wisps of the Old Gods should cost 6, etc., etc.
tl;dr: if you want to ‘combine’ cards, increase the cost of the final card by 1 for each card after the first.
Really fits with Warlock’s theme… This into Shadowflame could be strong (albeit quite costly, since it takes 2 cards and 4 health).
Aside from that, it has minor synergy with Floating Watcher, and can be used to pull out a Doom/Twisting Nether if you NEED the board clear and don’t have quite enough mana (though that’s a lot of health down the drain…)
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
When you’re about to lose, you NEED the randomness if you want to make a comeback. That said, it’s incredibly unreliable and obviously a very niche card.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
If you’re 1 turn from death, a coin flip is the best chance you’ll get. Besides, it will be very amusing to watch, whatever ends up happening.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
As long as you don’t play it while you’re ahead, it should help you out quite a bit… If you’re at 1 health, and your opponent is at 30, this could very well be your only chance to win.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
I suspect that this is a card that you hold in your hand until you’re 1 turn away from dead; if it’s your only option, people will trade into an enemy Shredder in the hopes of getting a Doomsayer. This will be like that, except with 10-20 spells- you might get unlucky and die, but you would have died anyway, so it won’t matter. However, this also has the chance to pull you back for a miraculous comeback.
Like you noted, it has a chance to wail on your face with spells. However, it has an equal (actually, far better) chance to deal damage to your opponent’s face, clear the board, summon minions, or heal you. And when you’re in a losing position, any of those can completely turn the game around in your favor (or win you the game outright, if you get lucky).
So while I don’t know if it’s playable, it certainly has the possibility of bringing you back from the brink. As long as you never play it while you’re winning, it should be a very potent comeback mechanic. If nothing else, it will be hilarious.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
I don’t care how uncompetitive this card is; this is going to be hilarious.
But if you actually care about the competitiveness of a card this amazing, I see it as a sort of last-ditch effort to win the game (1 health, enemy has full board? Not anymore!). Basically, no matter how bad your situation, you still have a chance at an incredible comeback. As people have noted, you have a chance to Pyroblast your face 3 times, but it has an equal chance to happen to your opponent; if your opponent has 30 health and you have 1, this might just pull you back from the brink. Basically, NEVER play this while you’re winning.
Trolden will be pleased.
Call of the Wild
+1/+1 is generally worth 1 mana; it was the randomness which reduced the effective mana cost to ~3/3.5, and eliminating that brings the value up to 4 mana (4*2 + 2 = 10 points). 3 4-mana cards is worth 14 (14*2 + 2 = 30 points)… This card is absolutely insane. I don’t know if it can dictate a new meta by itself, but it’s well over the point of balance. Dr. 8?
tl;dr: It’s WAY better than you think
Call of the Wild
Completely agreed. Three 4 mana minions (+1/+1 or +0/+2 over a 3 cost), plus 2 to refund the aggro tax gives a 14-cost value for an 8-cost card… This card might singlehandedly make control hunter powerful.
Call of the Wild
Yeah, I saw that one too… Apparently Bliz didn’t go with the ‘Blood Brothers’ card:
Personally, I think that one would’ve been more fun than the official version.
Nor did they take my Rats… ๐
N'Zoth's First Mate
Actually, this IS a red pirate, so we are getting “pirate rouge”. As for pirate ROGUE, though… I definitely agree; that deck could use a little love.
N'Zoth's First Mate
Umm… No? That would make it the worst card in the game by far. As in, if they did anything at all (even just hero power 3 turns in a row, aside from priest/warrior), the damage you took would outweigh the value of the card; unless it gave you lethal, the card would be absolutely horrendous in every circumstance.
tl;dr: No.
The question remains, though; why does 1 class get 2 C’Thun related cards? Hoping that this card is legit- should help slow down the meta further.