scYllA913's Comments
Serena Bloodfeather
I think so. But only if BOTH of the values have to be more.
If only one value has to grow over the target minion’s health, it would end up as a 3/1 and a 2/2 serena.
Actually this is the card that confuses me the most in the past few years, even it is fairly easy 😀
Serena Bloodfeather
So basically it says “Reduce Target Minion’s Health and Attack to its half and gain the other half”. Or am I wrong?
Serena Bloodfeather
Is there an expkanation how this works?
I mean… more what? More health oder more attack? Or more of both?
Except that greenskin is a pirate and weapons are (in the current meta) played or synergizing in pirate decks very well