Since they removed the class-favoritism of Discover, all 2-drops are weighted equally (although you still cannot discover from another class unless the card specifies you can). So let’s see.
Currently there are 7 2-mana Priest minions, three of which are Battlecries. So that leaves four priest minions that (might) be worth hitting: Dead Ringer (only good if you have deathrattles in your deck and if you do and they need to be tutored you are already running Dead Ringer), EVIL Conscript (Lackey’s aren’t good enough in Priest to justify running Conscript so I doubt you would favor picking it out of two-drops), Grandmummy (decent card but it favors aggro/token decks which this card is too slow for. Also you actually want it to die and this doesn’t promote that), Lightwell (I mean, I guess?).
So basically there aren’t any good Priest minions for this right now.
There are over 60 neutral two-drops. Of those, only these three standout to me as maybe worthwhile hits: Doomsayer (3-mana 10 health isn’t terrible, but I’d rather just run Doomsayer), Injured Tol’Vir, and Wild Pyromancer (but you have to be running a lot of cheap spells and this card doesn’t match with it, also you’d just be running Pyromancer anyway).
Maybe I’m missing something, but terrible card seems, well, terrible.
Since they removed the class-favoritism of Discover, all 2-drops are weighted equally (although you still cannot discover from another class unless the card specifies you can). So let’s see.
Currently there are 7 2-mana Priest minions, three of which are Battlecries. So that leaves four priest minions that (might) be worth hitting: Dead Ringer (only good if you have deathrattles in your deck and if you do and they need to be tutored you are already running Dead Ringer), EVIL Conscript (Lackey’s aren’t good enough in Priest to justify running Conscript so I doubt you would favor picking it out of two-drops), Grandmummy (decent card but it favors aggro/token decks which this card is too slow for. Also you actually want it to die and this doesn’t promote that), Lightwell (I mean, I guess?).
So basically there aren’t any good Priest minions for this right now.
There are over 60 neutral two-drops. Of those, only these three standout to me as maybe worthwhile hits: Doomsayer (3-mana 10 health isn’t terrible, but I’d rather just run Doomsayer), Injured Tol’Vir, and Wild Pyromancer (but you have to be running a lot of cheap spells and this card doesn’t match with it, also you’d just be running Pyromancer anyway).
Maybe I’m missing something, but terrible card seems, well, terrible.