Sandwarf's Comments
Reno Hunter
King crush is a finisher card as I said, you can just replace it with a big minion, Dreadscale can be replaced with some removal. and Gazz’rilla can be replaced by a big minion/Draw mechanics
Reno Hunter
You can’t have anything but you can replace some cards, Gladiator’s longbow has been one of my favorite cards since it doesn’t get that much of an use, and since you can use weapons to your advantage with Reno already (you take some damage, then heal) the whole being inmune thing becomes pointless in SOME cases. Blingtron is if you are feeling lucky, you can also replace it with some card draws, like Azure drake and Acolyte of pain, Even Finley. Hope I was kind of helpful.
Reno Hunter
King crush is for a good finisher, it can be replaced with Rangaros, or Ysera if you want a bit more board control. Dreadscale is more of a utility card, that I love to use against things like muster for battle, you might want to get a Card draw or removal tools like Unleash the hounds. Gahz’rilla is complicated, there is no minion that does its job quite the way this card does, you could get Azure drake or Elise Starseeker. Elise is good because its a 4-mana card and gives you a card draw and Azure drake gives you a card draw and you never know if that 1+ spell damage could come into play with multi-shot, explosive shot or even explosive trap.
Funny mech hunter
I kinda hoped a good sabertooth leaper on a mech hunter…. It is a really good card if you managed to get some value out
Reno and Elise's hunt for the Golden Monkey
Hey man, being someone who also plays control hunter I think your guide is nice, but I think onyxia doesn’t have a right place in that deck, and this is just my opinion but if you are going to play an Elise deck it’s better for you to have ysera by far, it basically gives you one more legendary each time a turn ends (that is if you don’t play the dream card)
Reno Hunter
Finley works well, and you can replace most of the cards that have “destroy” or “steal”, since it depends on the meta, and because I’ve seen a ton of secret related decks, kaezan comes into play, but if people stop using secrets, Finley might be a great addition to the deck, and the other reason is the desert camel. Unless you can get an early finley, the value of the camel won’t be as great as it could be, getting a zombie chow, cool, getting a webspinner, cool, getting finley, the battlecry is unplayable, which defeats the whole purpose of having it on your deck. I’ve seen a ton of different control/midrange hunters that add some cards that are not used and you could find them fun, like the Elekk, Stablemaster, or even change some of the secrets, like freezing vs Snipe.
“to get one that gives you more survivability (priest/warrior)” Remember we have the Spelleater, which in almost every game you play against priest/warrior, Justicar is a must have.
Although against an aggro deck I do agree that Finley works well.
Reno Hunter
Hey, I missed out on a lot of stuff since I have that 5000 letters Limit, just ask me for some doubterinos.
Awww Shit, I forgot that Savanna highmane existed for a bit. That is a good replacement for Gazz’rilla, an awesome one at that