RogueV's Comments
Water Rogue - Shadows Post-Nerf - Early #1 Legend (Feno)
What’s water about this I don’t get it? I thought water meant combo of pirates and murlocs. What does water mean in HS?
Tess Tempo Rogue - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - Kibler
Idk. He’s just so much value. And you usually weapon up to ping, at least on 2 unless you’re lucky enough to draw Keleseth. I feel like even without synergy hench clan provides so much more value than say lifedrinker in this list.
Secret Paladin - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #21 Legend (Maximal)
A cheap non-Genn/baku paladin deck, praise the lord
Midrange Hunter Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
actually 6 cards my bad, but you get the jist. Only if you are a budget player without subject 9/zul’jin should you play this version of the deck
Midrange Hunter Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
There is no reason to play this deck over the hybrid Secret one with Subject 9, you just have to change 4 cards and you’re set.
Cubelock - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #23 Legend (ShangHigh)
Is Taldaram really good in this deck? Have him replaced with a Faceless for now
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Odd Quest Warrior - #1 Legend (Draz, Zalae)
Oondasta replacements?
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Malygos Druid - #26 Legend (Meati)
Why does this deck have such a negative score lol? How are these scores even decided
Rastakhan Tempo/Miracle Rogue (Post Nerf) - #42 Legend (Jalexander)
How is this miracle rogue? I got my hopes up for a second. Putting strider into a deck doesn’t make it miracle rogue, miracle just runs strider for good synergies with card draw, which is the real defining attribute of miracle rogue.
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Keleseth Big Spell Mage - Top 100 (VisLaud)
Replacement for sindragosa?
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Keleseth Big Spell Mage - Top 100 (VisLaud)
This deck is actually top tier and secretly seriously overpowered thanks to the Jaina DK. It’s basically the perfect deck for it
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
Also I think level up would be more viable if they made it 7 mana instead of 6 funny as it sounds, imo Odd Paladin would still play it. But whatever, it’s a good day when odd pally is nerfed out of tier 1
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
noooooooooooooooo I literally just crafted Kingsbane and I dusted so many cards I was not using for it!!!! And I won’t get the dust refund either. This is a sad, sad day. I liked ramp too. I don’t care if Druid is strong because it doesn’t feel bad to lose to a combo deck like it does to an aggro deck like odd pally. Oh man. Im sad.
Tweeg's Legend Rastakhan Odd Rogue ft. Former Champ
What’s so good about former champ? Isn’t it just pure stats and not so great at that?
Yulsic's Rastakhan Legend Secret Odd Mage
Why am I seeing Nightblades in a legit deck. What is even going on?
How does this work in practice, Zephyrs in a deck with duplicates? I know ideally you’d want to burn through the deck really fast and then play it when the duplicates are gone, but does it actually work?