Rogue Zebra's Comments
Budget Token Druid Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
I’ve continued tinkering with the deck, and Malfurion fits in pretty well with the more Taunt-centered minions and Strongshell Scavenger. I’d have to do some adjustments, but I think you could do Taunt Token Druid on a budget as well and be fairly competitive (Bonemare is a common. Insane!). I’ll put together a budget shell for Taunt and share it soon!
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
It is a tough line to walk, Carlos. We want minions that stick around while also not diluting the combo aspect of the deck too much. One of the big losses to the budget version is not having Priest of the Feast. That would be my first go-to minion. The hope is that if we have our card draw engine going like we want, then we can get the requisite body for our combo.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for card substitutions, I’d be happy to try them out!
Budget Token Druid Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Congratulations on opening Malf!
My only concern would be cost, as this build does not last into late game very well. I think the immediate board presence it generates and a solid closing ability with the hero power makes it a strong consideration. I would tune the deck to be a little less all-in and more resilient with cards like Living Mana alongside Malf to give it some staying power.
On the F2P plan, it can be hard to split your resources. In general I think it is good to have multiple budget decks because that helps you to complete your daily quests. Going all-in on one deck can make that a lot less fun. That being said, if you know you just absolutely can play one class and not get burned out, you could build up one high-powered deck. It just comes down to preference.
Hearthstone Free-to-Play (F2P) Beginners Guide 2017
You are correct, only wins in Play mode and Tavern Brawl count toward the 10 gold/3 wins system. I’ve updated the guide. Good catch!
Very possibly. I wanted to have some cheap spells for a big Teacher turn, and nothing is as cheap as free. That being said, Moonfire definitely has spots where it lines up quite poorly. Acherus Veteran is another consideration.