Rofuzer's Comments
Twilight Flamecaller
General: Strictly better than the “Ironforge Rifleman” as that card only deals one damage. It’s a decent tempo play, especially when facing aggro decks, but nothing too exceptional. I like to compare it to “Aldor Peacekeeper” which is basically a 3 mana 3/3 with “Humility” embedded with it. Here we have a 3 mana 2/2 with “Arcane Explosion” instead; it has lower stats as AoE effects are quite valuable, and if you think about it “Humility” is 1 mana and “Arcane Explosion” is 2 so it is balanced, but it may have been fine to make it a 3/3 as well.
Constructed: maybe a tempo mage could use this, although it seems more of a responsive play, and not something you want to play on curve. A freeze mage can’t really use this card as 1 damage is just so little and sometimes irrelevant compared to other board clears like “Flamestrike”. I honestly don’t know which deck could really use this card.
Arena: in arena this card becomes much better as it deals damage only to enemy minions and ALL of them. Quite similar to the “Dread Infernal”, with lower stats but without the symmetrical effect. A good choice and easily obtained thanks to it common rarity.
Shifting Shade
General: This looks like an overall great tempo play! 4/3 stats are kinda low for 4 mana but the deathrattle is basically draw a card, or more precisely, add a new card to your hand, which is valued around 1 to 1.5 mana, justifying the stats. Also we’ve seen how the priest can play in a very control/midrange style thanks to other cards, namely “Mind Control” or “Dark Cultist”. I’m sure it will see play in many decks.
Constructed: If I were to put it into a control priest deck it would fit pretty well. The deathrattle is similar to the spell “Thought Steal”, only half of it. Being able to play a minion on board instead of just casting a spell is often a preferred move. However it might fit a midrange priest better, as this card can be played on curve easily, whereas a control deck usually plays responsively. Now the copied cards might be great, but may also be completely useless for a priest, such as “Demonfuse” or “Totemic might”. It will tho, in any case, generate card advantage, and let’s be honest, it’s always fun to copy cards from the opponent.
Arena: a pretty good choice given to priests, which might explain its rare rarity. Although stats are usually the backbone of a good arena card, the card advantage given by the shade is also very valuable. And just to reiterate, it COPIES a card from the opponent’s deck, and GENERATES that card into your hand, it doesn’t DRAW one from your deck, which on the long run might even be better, especially if you reach fatigue (sure, chances are quite low, but still). On average, the copied card will be most of the times be pretty good, or acceptable in arena, as during drafts people often pick cards that are good by themselves, and do not rely on certain combos or synergies.
Demented Frostcaller
You definitely have a point, freezing keeps things a little more under control whereas dealing damage could trigger something that you didn’t want to. Yes, you’re right it suits a tempo mage more. Honestly these are all speculations by me since no one got to play it yet. It might actually turn out great or it might just be the way we thought, who knows; that’s why I rarely make any firm statement. Thanks for replying tho!
Demented Frostcaller
General: It seems quite worse than the card “Flamewaker” which has a lower cost of 3 mana and has the same stats; also the ability to deal 2 damage is usually preferred over the freezing.
Constructed: given its ability it clearly looks like a fit for the freeze mage deck. In constructed, one is able to build a deck around this card, like you would do with “Flamewaker”, by including various spells. However on one side there is the problem of overlapping the effect with other spells, such as “Frost nova”. Also one can’t cast “Ice Lance” and hope for it deal the 4 damage, as the text states “AFTER you cast a spell”, therefore you might simply freeze the same enemy twice or two different ones but not deal the 4 damage. Nevertheless it can still help “Ice Lance” deal damage by casting it after you casted another spell. Over the course of the match this card can help you delay damage from the opponent’s side until you draw your finisher or AoE spell, which sounds pretty good, tho you will need some luck as the effect is random. Ultimately it’s quite a slow and unreliable minion.
Arena: It’ one of the worst cards you can get in Arena. The stats are very overpriced and spells are quite scarce when drafting. Don’t pick it…
Servant of Yogg-Saron
A 5 mana 5/4 already has low stats on average, and the battlecry doesn’t justify it enough. The spell effect is mostly symmetrically beneficial and detrimental, but only over the course of multiple matches. Perhaps it can be considered a high risk high reward card. I compared it to the “Madder Bomber” which has the same stats and a similar battlecry mentality; but the thing about “Madder Bomber” is it fires 6 bombs each dealing 1 damage, meaning you will look at the board and know that if the opponent has more minions out, you will, on average, gain value out of its battlecry. The Servant instead not only targets a random minion, but also uses a random spell, therefore you never really know if it’s better if you have more minions on the board or the opponent, as it could fire off a blessing of kings on an enemy minion, when you were hoping for a fireball instead.
Faceless Summoner
Whops, you’re right! Which leaves us with an even better fit for this card inside tempo mage decks. Sorry, the 6 attack always makes me think it costs 6 mana.
Faceless Summoner
General: This card has lower stats than average for 6 mana, but the battlecry justifies it completely. A 3-cost minion has on average 3/3 stats which makes this card a 6 mana 8/8 which is insane. Add the possibility that the minion has some passive effect like “Imp Gang Boss” or “Shade of Naxxramas”, or it could have off the chart stats like “Felguard” or “King Mukla”; well this summoner can bring extreme value.
Constructed: It might fit inside a tempo mage deck. In the end the 6 mana slot is mainly covered by “Ethereal Conjurer” and some more late game minions can serve the mage well, especially when the meta seems to be shifting to the late game. The only awkward thing is this card has no synergy with any of your spells when compared to “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” or “Flamewaker”. However some of the spells are being rotated out of standard, such as “Flamecannon”, so it may be a worthy substitute. Freeze mage doesn’t see much use of this card, and the same probably goes for monkey mage. Secret mage can actually use “Effigy” and “Echo of Medivh” as a pretty decent play, but nothing too outstanding.
Arena: It is definitely one of the best cards you can get in arena. The overall stats are going to outvalue many 6-drops, and the fact that its divided can even be more convenient in the case where the opponent has played more early game minions than you did. Also note its COMMON rarity, meaning the chance of getting to pick card this will be pretty high! Coming to think of it the mage did need easier access to some purely good stats minions, instead of having too many spells or minions that require, again, spells to gain value.
[ D: – ): – :/ – –
– OMG]
Deathwing, Dragonlord
Yes it’s an extremely slow card, but the meta seems to be shifting more and more to the late game. Plus with the potential nerfs of BGH and silence, minions like this one can bring even more value once this new expansion comes up. The main tricky part is many dragons have battlecries which you want to activate like Alexstraza, and some other minions bring in their value when you have a dragon in your hand, like Blackwing Corruptor. However the number of large minions and stats brought on the board by this single deathrattle can be completely insane and very difficult to deal with.
I hope it can see play cause it definitely has potential, and it can make matches fun and interesting, which is really what I’m looking for.
Awesome art as well!
Soggoth the Slitherer
A really good spot if you’re ahead. Spells in arena are scarce already so the “magic shield” wont change much. Plus taunt in arena doesn’t matter most of the times, stats are the backbone of a good card, your health is merely a resource; ultimately this legendary is a bad legendary even in arena. You’re spending 9 mana… 9! thats your whole turn, which means if you’re on a par or behind with the board this card is terrible… Also you’re playing this on turn 9 if not later, by this time plenty of other minions have better stats and can easily kill it without even dying (take boulderfist ogre for example).
This deck’s insane! Climbed up a lot on the ladder even without some of the legendaries: Edwin, Cairne and Thalnos. To sub them I’ve put Journey Below which gives you them actually quite a few times.
Won versus all zoolocks, a renolock a midrange shaman and a C’thun druid. The amount of value from deathrattles can be just so insane! I think I activated Twilight summoner in one match more than 7 times. Extremely powerful.