rockermj's Comments
Soggoth the Slitherer
yes, but on large creatures cant be targeted is alot more valuable
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
definitley my favorite card in the set. Also, how is it affected by spell damage?
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale
i really want miracle rogue to come back, and i relly want this card played in it
Tentacles for Arms
I think that this card can be good in the right archetype if you include one in a control warrior. Your goal in the deck will be to win via fatigue and thus card could gaurantee that you win the fatigue war against another control deck, or an aggro deck that got you to low health early game. When you’re at the point where your opponent has no cards, even if you would lose to fatigue damage, this gives you an extra 2 damage every turn, which can often win you the game in a fatigue match. However finding this in your opening hand would be terrible, but with only one copy needed it wouldnt be too likley to show up.
thats a good question, i believe that they would because the c’thun buffs are tied to the player