RiskyChance's Comments
Mogu Cultist
Having unimportant meme cards as Epics is better than locking important cards behind epics. Yes, it will be worse to open a meme from a pack, but at the same time, you will be more likely to open powerful, non meme cards that aren’t epics from packs.
Fr0zen's #1 Legend Recruit Warrior - July 2018
Yip is a very important minion in the deck. If you exclude Yip, also cut Bring it On and add 2 Charged Devilsaurs. Consider finding room for an Inner Rage or two as well.
Brian Kibler's N'Zoth Kazakus Mage (March 2018)
I would not craft Pyros unless you LOVE control mage. It’s a tech card for value and will become significantly weaker when N’Zoth rotates.
Fr0zen's #9 Legend Control Warrior (December 2017)
Is there a VOD of him playing the deck? I can only see his RatRace videos
DrBoom's #6 Legend Cubelock (Kobolds, December 2017)
N’zoth is an underrated tech for the mirror.
Findan's #1 Legend Cube Warlock (Kobolds, December)
I love seeing the small changes top players make.
Fibonacci's Kobolds Control Warrior (December 2017)
He streams literally once a year.
I disagree. Weak cards that appear strong to others are great design. It will definitely be tested out before people realize it’s not strong enough to make the cut, just like Darnassus Aspirant.